Chapter 2: Lost My McFucking Mind

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Holy fudge popsicles, you're staring at Yoon. An anime character. That shouldn't be possible.

Que the mental squealing, he's so cute!!

"Are you going to stare? I know I'm a handsome boy but it's rather rude."

Okay (Y/N). Don't panic. Say something… Anything. How do words work again? He's staring. MOUTH. WORK. PLEASE.

"Oh, umm…" You tried to come up with an answer, but you couldn't think of anything that wouldn't make you sound crazy.

Maybe you ARE crazy? After all, you're standing in front of someone who looks exactly like an anime character.

Maybe-Yoon looked at your frame with a small frown. You had dirt on your hands and leaves in your hair.

"Are you alright?" He said in a gentle tone, he put the candle on a side table near the door. He put his hand to your forehead to feel for a fever.

Your face heated at how close he was. You closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling of his gentle hand on your forehead.

"Yoon! Is she here yet?! Is she- ah!"

Your eyes snapped open and you turned in time to see a white and blonde blur tumble to the ground in a mess of limbs and hair.

Yoon suddenly retracted his hand from you and blushed, seeming to realize what he was doing. He jogged over to the man and kneeled down to him.

"Oi! Old man! What the hell are you doing out here, running around in the dark?!" He pushed him with his hand, making him roll over on his back to face the sky.

The man didn't answer, only chuckling and rubbing his head before stumbling to his feet.

He turned to look at you, his eyes covered by his messy blonde bangs.

Oh god, you recognized him.

"Ik-soo?" You asked, your brain was scrambling trying to come up with an explanation.

This was the weirdest day of your life.


Yoon's POV

I'm shocked. How did this woman know Ik-soo's name?

"Who are you?" I asked, inching closer to Ik-soo. Whether to protect him or myself, I wasn't sure. "How do you know his name?!"

Was she here to hurt them? To take Ik-soo away? No, he couldn't let that happen.

Before I could try to make her leave, Ik-soo pranced up to her, carefree as could be. Not caring about the dirt on his clothes or the scrapes on his knees.

"I'm so happy you're here!" He said, taking the woman's hands in his own, a bright smile on his face. Flowers danced around his head.

"Ik-soo, yo-" I reached out to grab a fistful of his robes, ready to pull him back. "You know her?"

He patted his hand on mine, "Not personally, but God told me that she would come!"

He spun her around, almost making them both fall to the dirt.

"Hey, you clueless priest, be careful!" Man, it was too late at night for this.

"Right, right, sorry." Ik-soo apologized, then turned to the woman. "You've gotta be tired and, oh! Your clothes are all messy!"

He pushes her inside our hut, talking a mile a minute. I follow them in, shutting the door behind me.

I have a feeling this is going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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