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I grab the last suit case from the back of my closet and set it in on my bed. I put my poetry Journal that I got my cousin lele as a parting gift in the bottom left corner of the suit case before placing my black ink pen on top of it. I eventually pack the rest of the belongings I had my room and bring my suitcase down stairs. The morning was hot and dry.,there was a small breeze just how I like it. I say good morning to my parents and go back upstairs to my room and shower before putting on the outfit I had laid out earlier which consisted of dull grey sweatpants and a large thin pale yellow t-shirt that said eww on the back of it.I pulled my hair back into a bun at the bottom of my head and put on a pair of white converse.

As I walk through the hall to my brothers room I trace my finger tips along the wall as I studied the ugly flower partners that looked like stains. I poked my head into his room and see him sitting on his bed. I walk in and stand in the center of the bare room and look around taking it all in for the last time. We were there in comfortable a silence for awhile until he spoke up"So England huh" I look over at him and he's grinning. I know he's trying to see the positive of this move but I can still see how much he doesn't want to in his eyes. I look out the window and see the bright light blue sky with little to no clouds and I know I will never get this view again. I heard him stand up and soon he was standing right next to me staring at the sky. We stay like this for a couple minutes taking in the last sights of the view and the room savoring it like it's the only source of water a dry desert. I felt him slightly elbow me in the arm. "Come on we should get going" he said before wrapping his arm around my neck in a loose choke hold as we walk out the room.

Once the car is loaded I run upstairs to grab my book and phone off my desk. As I get downstairs I stand in the middle of the door way and look around at every nook and cranny in view before sighing at shutting the door behind me as I go to the car.

If you couldn't tell my family and I are moving to England from Arizona. The move started when my mom and dad decided to finally start the clothing business they've talked about since i could remember. My dad has a friend in England who offered to help them start with a local business in London. And of course they took it after making partner with him, so long story short we're moving to London England.

The plane ride there actually wasn't as bad as you would think or at least not that bad to me, I spent most of my time listing to music, sleeping or writing. When we landed we were met by my dads friend David who was the one helping him with the shop. He has a son I know pretty well considering we were best friend up until the middle of fifth grade when they moved. A grin spread across my face when I say him and i started walking towards him but my mom beat me  to him first"Oh Miguel  look at how big you've gotten dios mío!" She exclaimed as she hugged him tightly. My mom has a tendency of speaking Spanglish when she's happy. After they said their hellos i walked up to him and raised my brow"Finally got rid of the bowl cut huh?" I commented as I looked at his hair. He did one of his stupid grins"Finally grew a pair huh?" He said taking the same tone as me I noticed he has a British accent,I know it's been five years and all but it still surprised me, actually a lot of things surprised me he not only got rid of that god awful hair cut but he got way taller and slimmed down a lot and I guess he got rid of his glasses. Even though these were all new I still saw the same way his eyes crinkled in the corners when he smiled and how he only had a dimple in his left cheek. I grinned before hugging him.

We drove for about forty five minutes before stopping in front of a two story House that looked to be made out of polished wood that had a large black metal pointy gate around in. There was no denying that the house was quite larger then our old house and it gave me a small gust of energy to see how my room would look. We grabbed suit cases of the car and walked through the gate my dad walked in front of us and opened the door.I was hit with the scent of lavender and lemon I think."Home sweet home" my dad bellowed out as he turned on the lights.

There were a couple extra rooms in the house so we were allowed to pic our room. I picked the attic instead of a typical room. One of the walls were slanted and the floor was a dark brown colored wood. There room had a lot more space then my old one including a bathroom connected to it and it made me a little excited to think about how I could decorate but it was 5pm and I was really tired plus I had my first day at this private school called greenwood or something like that. I only had two suit cases and my back pack with me the rest of my things would arrive in about a week along with my family's other belongings. I took a hot shower and watched the water drip off my chocolate skin and hit the bathtub. Once I got out I dried off and put on a pair of sweatpants and a sports bra before going to bed for the day. I didn't bother to eat dinner because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it down for long due to my nerves being on edge. I start school tomorrow at Greenwood academy it's a private school located about twenty blocks from my house. Normally something like this wouldn't bother me- never mind that's a complete lie normally something like this wouldn't make me THIS nervous but I guess being in a whole new nations kinda sets me off. I put my thoughts to rest and try to sleep try is the key word I'm mostly starring at my ceiling thinking about all the out comes there are for tomorrow.

The morning eventually comes around and it's unfortunately pouring outside. I get up and shower once more before brushing my teeth. I changed into the school uniform on which consisted of a navy blue, yellow and black checkered/striped skirt and a white dress shirt along with a navy blue blazer. The skirt was kinda hard to get over my hips but that was assumed seeing as how most girls are pretty petite in size here. I put a pair of black tights on under the skirt feeling a bit self conscious.I finish the outfit with a pair of white Air Force ones then i started my hair. I had flat ironed it two days ago so i only need to touch up my bangs and the ends of my hair. I took one last look in the mirror and noticed the dark bags under my eyes and how i looked kind pale. I heard honking outside and i knew it was Miguel,the only good thing about this school is that he went there and there were a couple strings pulled so i had at least half of my classes with him. I ran downstairs and kissed my mom and dad on the cheek before leaving. I abrubtly stopped and almost dropped my umbrella when i saw the car he was driving,it was a fucking Jeep Wrangler. I walked to his window and gestured for him to roll it down. When he did i popped my head in''There's no way in hell i'm riding in this''i said bluntly. I was already going to be the new American student so why draw more attention to myself in this car. He smirked at me and shrugged''Looks like you'll be walking twenty blocks with only that tiny umbrella''.

Twenty minutes later we had arrived at school after getting coffee from a drive through. I laid my head back against the seat and silently cursed''I don't wanna go in''i said as i closed my eyes.I heard Miguel sigh before laughing''We both know you're going to get out  this car and into the building''. ''Yea, you're right''i said before unbuckling my seat belt and grabbing my bag then opening my umbrella and getting out.

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