The cruise ship hit the heavy wave.
It was the 'The Queens Pearl'
"We can't take another hit like this, we need to get out of the storm captain" shouted The Helmsman as another wave hit the bow.
The ship shook violently
"Wow, that was a big one." said A young man about in his twenties with fair hair and dark blue eyes, he was wearing a red Hawaiian shirt with board shorts.
He looked at the girl on the couch.
"You look worried Oliver" said the girl
"Nah, I'm..."
With a sudden jolt they were thrown to the roof
They recovered quickly
"Maria are you okay" asked Oliver wiping the blood off his forehead.
Maria looked up, tears of shock and fear were welling up in her eyes, she answered weakly "we need to get out of here"
They both got up and ran for the cabin door
Another wave hit the ship and they were thrown again.
Oliver got up and grabbed Maria's hand and left cabin 12C.
Five minutes later they emerged onto the deck. Rain hit hard onto the wooden planks, it was almost impossible to see, but it looked like there were people scrambling to the life boats, so They knew that the boat might not make it. A crew member ran up to them.
He was wearing white uniform and
on the left side of his shirt was a name tag saying 'Greg'
"You two need to get into a life boat please come with me"
They followed Greg to a life boat and they all clambered in.
Greg reached for the pulley and started lowering them into the water.
Suddenly a wave hit life boat forcing Greg to let go of the pulley sending them plummeting a few feet onto the water.
Greg grabbed the oars and started Rowing away from the ship.
Oliver looked at Maria then a strong wave crashed over the boat and she was gone.
Oliver quickly went into panic
"Where is she!" He shouted as he looked out into the dangerous waves he spotted something that looked like her.
"Maria over here" he screamed at the top of his voice waving his hands about, rain stung his face.
He shoot his head to Greg.
"Paddle towards there" He said pointing to the spot where she was.
Oliver looked back. All he could see was a giant wave about to hit them.
"Take cover" he shouted as fierce water hit him off the boat.
The Ones Who Are Alone
AdventureAfter being stranded on an island. Oliver and Greg soon find themselves not alone. Something is on the island and it is not friendly.