Time is ticking

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"If we had all the time in the world, I would tell you everything but for now I'm sorry love time is ticking"

Time was what kim Y/n wanted of course to spend with his beautiful wife kim jennie. But like the fairy tale of Cinderella she had a moment of time before the clock stroke 12.

Kim Y/n had all the time in the world before he turned 25 to spend with the girl he met in kindergarten that went by the name of kim jennie.

At the age of five Y/n had stood up to the bullies who were bullying jennie telling her things that would make a five year old cry and the day Y/n stood up to them to protect her a friendship blossomed.

24 years later

Y/n's POV

Looking at the bedside table I could have sworn I placed my phone there with a cup of water.
Turning around I seen my beautiful wife laying on our bed smiling up at me with her cute messy hair that always made me want to push my fingers through.

Thinking silently I smiled sadly at her thinking she wouldnt notice. Tomorrow was the day I would be leaving her. It wasnt a choice but if i had one i would rather spend eternity with her.

You see I'm not from this world I am the prince of South Korea in another universe. At the age of 25 is when I would have to go back to a place without jennie...without the love of my life.

Once the clock hits 12 tonight I will slowly disappear into nothingness as my soul will travel through the portal.

Time is ticking and I want to make this day as memorable as I can for her and i.

"Hey babe why are you staring at me?" Jennie asked with her sweet voice staring at me as she sat up.

"I cant admire my wife's beauty" I asked with a smirk as I tackled her down onto the bed.

"Gosh I love you my beautiful wife, for an eternity I will love you until the day i die" i said looking into her eyes as her cheeks flushed looking away.

"You idiot I love you too" she smiled before standing up signalling she was going to take a shower.

Kim jennie oh how I wish I didnt have to leave you....

Jennies POV

Y/n is acting wierd he thinks I didnt notice the sadness behind his bright smile...what is he hiding.

Maybe it's just my imagination....

Y/n's POV

After I thought of a bunch of things I walked over to the bathroom door knocking slightly.


"I made a reservation at your favorite restaurant for tonight I would like to eat with you" I asked slightly excited to spend as much time but sad to go.

"YOU DID?? I LOVE FOOD!" She shouted excitedly as I heard the shower turn off.

Turning around I walked to the closet and took out all my suits to pick one, I just wanted to make this day special for the both of us.

Sitting down I looked through my phone which I found thanks to jennie hiding it.

Hearing the door open I looked up in awe to see my wife in a beautiful black dress that fitted her perfectly with a slit on the right leg with her black heels

"Oh wow....you look breathtaking my love" I said again in awe as I stood up to twirl her around.

The last time I'll see you like this.

Time is ticking..8:00

Looking at my phone I seen it was 8:00 already. Grabbing her hand we grabbed everything we needed. Before walking hand and hand to the car.

Opening her door she said thank you as I pulled her into it. Going over to my side we had held hands and talked for an hour as we finally got there.

Walking out I opened her car door as she got out slipping her hand into my arm. Asking the person in front for my reservation she led us to our seats.

Moving her chair out she sat down again saying thank you as I pushed it in and returned to my seat.

Looking at my phone I was shocked already at the time.

Time is ticking...9:47

"Hi may I take your ord- Jennie?" A mysterious man asked looking at jennie with shock as she did the same.

For some reason I didnt have a good feeling at all because my time was ticking.

"Mathew?? Is that really you?" She asked with a slight pink to her cheeks. Thinking back to a Mathew the only one I could think of was her middle to high school ex boyfriend the one I despised.

"May I sit? I would like to catch up?" He asked with slight pink cheeks.

"Oh sorry sir but you ca-" I was cut off by a happy jennie.

"Of course!, we arent really doing anything" she said excitedly before looking at me with a big smile that caused my smile to somewhat smile back.

Looking at them both time ticked by fast looking at my watch go by every second..every minute. I seen them talk about things that jennie and I havent talked about before.

Seeing them both brought a sad feeling knowing I really wouldnt spend the time I wanted with jennie. But knowing maybe just maybe once I was gone he would take care of her.

Time is ticking ...11:45

Wow it's almost time. Looking at jennie for the last time I genuinely smiled at her which caught her attention with pink dusted cheeks she smiled at me too before talking to mathew.


"Hey babe I have to use the restroom but I love you!" I said standing up.

"I love you too Y/n" she said smiling back at me with her cuteness.

Walking to the restroom I closed the door before looking at myself in the mirror then down at my hands.


"Hah I really didnt have more time huh?" I said to no one as my body started to disappear.

"I'll love you kim jennie to eternity"

Jennies POV

"Right! I'm really excited to tell my husband that we are expecting a child! Our first born!" I exclaimed happily to know I was going to have a child with the man of my dreams.

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