Ch. VI

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Risky Behavior


Jaxon stared at the ceiling watching the fan spin repeatedly as he tried to keep count of how many times it spun. It was currently eight-thirty in the morning and he was thinking of some kind of way to get out of Heather's bed without waking her from sleep. Over time Jaxon could tell that the girl was beginning to become extremely clingy.

"Shit." He mumbled under his breath as he sat up in bed looking out the window. He looked over his shoulder seeing Heather continuing to sleep as he was quicky to place on his clothes.

Jaxon quickly gathered his helmet that was tossed on the couch in the living room and went towards the kitchen becoming familiar with the back door. He quickly reached for the door but cursed under his breath as he heard her footsteps.

 He quickly reached for the door but cursed under his breath as he heard her footsteps

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"Are you really leaving without telling me goodbye." Heather leaned against the doorframe of her kitchen as Jaxon placed his helmet on the table. "...that's a dick move."

"And you know what this is...I just overslept." Jaxon said as Heather walked over taking out a bag of coffee before looking back at Jaxon. "Sit down. I'm making some coffee and...maybe share breakfast with you."

For a minute, Jaxon thought against it but reluctantly sat in the chair as he watched Heather move around the kitchen. It was strange how both the former high school mates and couple were casually fucking and didn't seem to develop a single for one another.

"You like butter or strawberry jam on your toast?" Heather asked as she placed the piping hot toast on the plate. "You get toast and scrambled eggs. You could've had some pancakes but I'm too lazy to even make them."

"I'll take the strawberry jam," Jax answered as Heather slowly placed down both coffee mugs and came back with his plate of toast and eggs in front of him.

The space between the two was quiet while Heather watched Jax consume his breakfast and coffee. A part of her felt like she was important in his life but she knew it was only a mutual agreement when it came down just to sex. Yes, she knew he fooled around with other girls but it wasn't like she was opening her legs for him every week.

More like every two weeks.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jax asked bringing Heather from her thoughts. "You know I hate it when you go that."

Heather rolled her eyes as she sipped her coffee, "I'm just thinking you twat." In fact, she was thinking about Jax just a bit too much. "Wondering when you'll ever settle down."

"I'm sorry but run that by me again," Jax said while stirring the dissolving sugar in his coffee.

"Oh come on Jax," Heather's head fell back as she sighed. "I know we fuck around from time to time but would you ever settle down."

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