Sassy me like

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(Brads POV)
I woke up to see a note from Casey

Gone out with jake will see you later x

It wasn't like her to leave a note then leave it was strange , I walked downstairs to see James ,Connor,Tristan,jake in suits
"Do you like" Connor says
"Wow dudes you look umm hot btw I am not gay " I say as I turn to Kaylee
"Thanks we will be wearing these for the special day" James says
"I no your not gay you dumbo" Kaylee says
"Where's case" I ask
Everyone goes silent "um um we can't tell him can we" Kaylee asks
"Tell me" I say
"Hospital she is getting a test to see if she was pregnant " Tristan blurts out
"Sorry he had to know" he says as he puts his head down
"Oh " I say as I twiddle my thumbs
"She should back soon though " jake says
"Hey boys nice suits" Casey says as she walks threw the door
I stare at her blankly "he knows doesn't he " she says as she goes over to tris
"Sorry love I had to" tris says
"It's fine I guess" she says as she walks over to me
"Brad I'm " she says as I speak before she could finish
"It's fine don't worry case I love you" I say
"I love you too" she says as she kisses my head
"Rude" I say
"Atleast you got a kiss" she says
"Sassy me likey" I say
"Come with me " I says as she takesme upstairs
"Okay" she says
"You know how we said About going to an island with Louis Harry Niall zayn Liam well I booked it and we are going for our honey moon " I say
"And I know something no one knows its about Kaylee and Connor it is that ...."
Soz it's short but hope u like

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