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<Y/n POV>

"NO! Please, unnies, oppas! Dont leave me in this attic! I promise I will do as you say! But please dont leave me in here! I'm scared!" I cried from the other side of the door. My siblings locked me inside the attic (author:- the picture of the attic is above).

"That's what you get bitch! This how you pay for the biggest mistake you have ever made!" One of my sisters said evilly from the other side of the door. The others laughed.

"What is the mistake I made?! What did I ever do to you to receive this torture?!" I started yelling because I got angry.

"You Existed. That's your mistake and now there is nothing you can do about it. Unless you find a way to die!" My cousin said.

"Then why dont you kill me?! It's better than receiving this torture!" I screamed.

"No way! Its amusing to see you suffer like this! Plus, were children of GOD! We do not murder!" My brother said.

"More like children of Lucifer..." I mumbled under my breath. I dragged my body down the door, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Then all of a sudden, I felt something shaking me. I looked around, but saw nothing but black. But it felt like something was shaking me and calling me.

"Y/N! WAKE UP!" The voice screamed. I got scared and flung my fist out. Then I let out a loud scream.

I jerked awake, tears streaming down my face, my eyes wide. I looked around, and saw I was in a bed. my bed. And I was surrounded by all my siblings. Taehyung was rubbing his jaw, while the rest of them looked at me with worried eyes. I saw Yoongi the closest to me, so I jumped up and hugged him tight like a koala. He was surprised at first, but slowly hugged me back. Then I cried harder. The rest of them came and hugged both of us. When I finally calmed down, we all pulled away. I sat at the edge of my bed, still a crying mess.

"Y/n, what's wrong? You were crying and screaming in your sleep." Jimin asked me.

"Its back.." I said softly but audible enough for them to hear.

"What's back?" Rose asked worriedly.

"My nightmares, there back..." I said still crying. I buried my head in my hands and sobbed.

<Taehyung POV>

After Jin hyung left to check on Y/n, we just sat there chatting. Hobi also came down after a few minutes, looking like shit. Then we heard the millionth scream of the day. But this time it was from Y/n.

We all looked at each other. Then we ran to her room.

When we opened the door we saw Jin hyung lightly tapping her cheek in an attempt to wake her up. It looked like she was crying in her sleep. Me, kook, and chim pushed Jin hyung away(sorry hyung) to try to wake her up ourselves. Then the rest of them crowded around the bed. We tried to wake her up, but in vain.

"Then why dont you kill me?! It's better than receiving this torture!" she screamed in her sleep. Then she mumbled something. I started shaking her shoulders to wake her up because it was too scary for me to see her like this. Then suddenly she flung her fist out hitting my face right in the jaw. I stumbled back because of the pain.(Author:- why is it always Tae tho?) Then she let out an ear piercing scream.

Then she bolted awake and sat up straight. She scanned all of us, then hugged Suga. Probably because he was the closest to her bed. He was shocked but slowly hugged back. Then the rest of us hugged the both of them. After awhile, she pulled away and sat on the bed.

"Y/n, what's wrong? You were crying and screaming in your sleep." Jimin hyung told her.

"Its back.." she said in a soft voice.

"Whats back?" Rose asked.

"My nightmares, there back..." she whispered and then buried her face in her hands and sobbed loudly.

We all looked at each other clueless. What do you do when someone starts crying? I didnt know if we should hug her or just let her be or............ idk what to do. Then she stopped crying and lifted her head a little bit, but not looking at us.

"I look pathetic right now." She said to herself.

"No. You dont. Everyone has their moments when they cry. There is nothing pathetic in it." Namjoon said sternly.

"Yeah right(sarcastic). Whatever. I'm sorry for disturbing you." Y/n said in an emotion I could not make out.

"No need to be sorry. Now all of you get out. One of you girls stay back and help Y/n out with whatever she needs to do in the morning." Jin ordered us. Then Jisoo unnie decided to stay with her.

Then Jin hyung shooed the rest of us out and closed the door behind him after coming out of the room(Author:- i think that makes sense, right? ).

"Now, all of you get ready or whatever. Just come for breakfast in 30 minutes." Jin hyung ordered.

"Okay" we all said and went to mind our own business.

<Y/n POV>

Once all of them left, I let out a sad sigh. I'm pathetic.

"Hey you Okay?" Jisoo unnie asked.

"Yeah....I'll live" I said sadly. Then Jisoo unnie hugged me.

"Shh...dont say that, say 'Im Fine!' and if you doubt what you said then say this,'i atleast have a life unlike the other bitches!' And you'll be fine. Trust me." She let go of me and gave me a sweet smile.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Let me tell you something. But you have to promise me that you wont tell anyone, and by that I mean ANYONE about this, and you'd rather have a chainsaw shoved up your ass. Promise me."
She held my hand.

"Okay, I promise i wont tell anyone and I'd rather have a chainsaw shoved up my ass." I said giggling a little.

"Okay, so. I used to have nightmares as well. Remember I told you that the boys have helped us out a lot during the past? Yeah they have helped us emotionally as well.You see, we are all cousins. Me, Jennie, and Rose were siblings. The older boys were siblings and the maknae line were siblings."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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