Chapter 9:

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Taehyungs POV:

I didn't bother looking up at him cause why in earth would he want me to help him on a mission i don't think he is even talking to me whatever

"Taehyung" now i looked up at him after calling my name humming waiting for what he has to say "did you hear me you have to help us in a mission" i am sure now that he was talking to me from before

"Why on earth would i do that, it is obviously dangerous" i starting making excuses cause it is definitely not save "plus don't you have a lot of other men why me"i added

"Not all of them are attractive as you" he sighed and i kinda blushed at the compliment "thanks but no" i stated
"plus jimin is also pretty attractive, and what do you even need the looks for" i admitted followed by a question

"yoongi is protective over jimin-" i cut him off "so like just fuck me huh i am not important just to be clear i am your husband now" i huffed out "i don't give a shit we just need you to seduce a guy in order to distract him while we shoot him"

He straight out said and my eyes just widened "Do i look like a hooker or some shit" i was in shock how dare he "stop being dramatic you literally just have to be a bit flirty with him" he said as if its nothing

"Sorry to bust your bubble but i have a reputation to keep and if people know me there then that's it" i stood up facing him but he was a bit taller than me

"really you think you have a choice" he said so sure of himself that i would agree "no honeybun but i will make my own choice" i left to the kitchen to place my mug swaying my hips

Feisty jungkook thought

"Do me coffee" he yelled from the living room and i didn't argue back as a plan came across my head "sure how many spoons of sugar" i asked as he replied "one"

I began to make his coffee but instead of adding sugar i put salt as a reward for him calling me a slut, but for some reason when i was making it the warning jimin told me never left my mind

I walked back to jungkook to hand him his cup as i sat next to him "i watched him chug the entire thing what the hell i am sure i put salt

"didn't it taste a bit weird" i hesitated at first but "hmm" he started scooting closer to me "no tastes normal" i know he was acting dumb "do you want to taste" he asked and i looked at the empty mug

"There is no more" i replied cause i was gonna taste it to make sure i am not crazy "well you can taste it this way" he suddenly kissed me harshly

I was at shock but kissed back cause like who would reject something like this from a hot guy, his tongue explored every corner of my warm carven making me melt into the kiss

He backed away after i started to taste the saltiness in the coffee "you taste it now, don't try it again or worse could happen" he smirked getting off the couch heading to the sink leaving me there breathless still in my pjs

I checked my phone and texted jimin what just happened and he wasn't even surprised at jungkooks actions as if hes done it before but whatever

I decided to go get dress since the time was 12am wow how long have i been sotting here for and where is jungkook

After getting dressed i came down and made lunch just for me, as i was cooking jungkook past "i am going now see ya" he closed the door leaving me alone in this creepy house

I drove off to my old house after eating to pack my clothes to organize them in my new wardrobe because i am pretty sure i am wearing jungkooks clothes but whatever

The time was now currently 3:45 and i have just finished organizing my clothes and decided to head to work since its like 15 min away from here

"Taehyung hurry up and get dressed" the rude manager said running around to make sure everyone was ready for the runway

The show began and all the models started their work walking on the runway and posing at the end my turn came as i went out, the show was about an hour and a half and we finally finished

I headed home after changing into the clothes i was wearing before I opened the door as my eyes widened at the sight of blood on the floor

Following the blood made me end up in the bathroom to see jungkook on the floor bleeding from his lower abdomen "oh my god jungkook are you okay" i ran towards him trying to help

"its normal hand me the first aid kit from the top drawer" he groaned out but he didn't seem in mush pain how can he not feel

"Jungkook the wound looks big you need a doc-" he cut me off yelling " no doctor now just hand me it"

"Let me help you i know how to stitch" i insisted as he agreed, i am so grateful that i took those medical lessons in college

I reached out for the first aid kit "this may sting a bit" i warned and he took off his shirt completely as i applied the alcohol wow he didn't even flinch impressive

I began to stitch him up " what were you even doing who stabbed you like this" i  was asking too many questions "nothing its just some gang i had to deal with"

"Jesus jungkook" i handed him my arm to help him stand up but he didn't take it and stood up himself

I noticed his bruised knuckles "jungkook let me clean them up for you please" i pleaded grabbing his arm i just hate the sight of blood it irritates me for no reason

"You don't have to it's nothing and why do you care so much i thought you hated me" he said " i don't hate you i just dislike you a bit and please i insist"

"Whatever" he stood next to the sink as i started to clean his knuckles "why do you do this to yourself, and don't you feel any pain" i was curious

"I don't feel things" he said so coldly, i finished cleaning him and got super tired as if i have been helping him for ages and decided to head to bed i mean couch

"I don't feel things" he said so coldly, i finished cleaning him and got super tired as if i have been helping him for ages and decided to head to bed i mean couch ————————————————————————

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^typical jin

*Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter love you all 😘

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