chapter 2: mankind's redemption.

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After realizing the hard truth that the entire shinobi world no longer has the abilities to use chakra and that all of the tailed beasts have unexpectedly vanished konoha and the other villages came to the conclusion that they were powerless to do anything and that they have been abusing chakra for centuries as a type of weapon.

Kushina then said.

"Minato. If the God's have taken chakra away from the world and the tailed beasts are in the land of the gods what will we humans do to survive if war break's out again??!!.

What's going to happen to mankind if we don't have chakra to defend ourselves!!??. I'm scared minato. Not just for us but for the world."

And minato said.

"Right now the only thing that we can do is find a different way to defend ourselves from our enemies and prove to the God's that not all people abuse chakra as a weapon.

Perhaps if we pray to them in the hopes of getting chakra back to heal people instead of hurt others... maybe just maybe we can get our chakra back."

And kushina said.

"So we're basically stuck without chakra or bloodline abilities until the God's seem to think otherwise!!!.

How could this happen minato!!??.
What has mankind done to deserve such a cruel fate!!??."

And minato said.

"The story of the sage of six paths. Do you remember what he originally intended to give the people of our world chakra to be used as???."

And kushina said.

"Everyone knows that story minato. But he's just a myth.What's that got to do with anything that's happened???."

And minato said.

"Believe it or not Kushina. The sage of six paths was real. He created the tailed beasts. He gave the world chakra in the hopes of having the people of the world understand each other through the powers of chakra.

Essentially forming a spiritual bond with each other and understanding each other's emotions."

And kushina said.

"So your saying that after his death. The world became greedy and began to weaponize chakra and tailed beasts??!!.

That's horrible minato!!!. What would posess people to do such a thing as that!!??."

Naruto then appeared before minato and Kushina and said.

"If you must know. It was a lust for power. I've lived through all the wars from centuries past. Even during the time of the sage of six paths hagoromo otsutsuki himself.

He showed me how to remove chakra from the world should that time ever come. Back then he and his two sons Indra and asura otsutsuki feared what would happen if the powers of chakra were abused and misused.

So they entrusted me with the ability to take it away. Over time I watched as humans used chakra to kill each other.

Taking the tailed beasts from their sanctuaries was where I drew the line since i was also tasked with the duty of protecting them.

Only to find out that I had to sleep for 1000 years in order to regain my full power. And every time I woke up the tailed beasts and the power they gave others... was once again abused so I finally decided that as punishment.

I would remove all chakra from the world until humans could use it for peace and not war."

And minato said.

"So your saying. That the sage of six paths gave chakra to the world not to be used as a weapon. But as a way of obtaining peace throughout the world???."

And naruto said.

"That was his original plans yes. But eventually those plans never came to fruition.
The world is corrupted. But just because it's corrupted doesn't mean it can't be fixed.
Taking away your only source of power was the only thing that I hoped would work. How many people are involved with your villages corruption???."

And minato said.

"Just my advisors and the civilian council. Why???."

And naruto said.

"Then they shall be the only ones in this village without the ability to use chakra.
Everyone else shall be able to use chakra but only for keeping the peace. Not starting wars!!!. AM I CLEAR!!??."

And kushina said.

"We understand. But how can you expect them to be able to do that if humans are selfish and greedy by nature???. It's not like after they abuse chakra again your going to... OH NO!!!. NO!!!. You wouldn't dare do that would you!!??."

And minato asked.

"Do what Kushina???. What's going on???. What's he planning on doing???."

And naruto said.

"She's afraid that if the people of this village are given their chakra back and abuse it's powers I'll wipe them from existence... there'd be a Crater where the hidden leaf village stand's.

Your forgetting what I'm capable of doing to the wicked and corrupt.

With a snap of my fingers I could erase the entire planet and start over if I wanted to.

It might be a few centuries before the world is reborn but I can't do it unless Kami Sama tells me to. Trust me.
I've wanted nothing more then to erase humans from existence.

Your like a plague that never stopped spreading without a cure to counter it.
If humans don't change....the world WILL BE DESTROYED!!!.

And the God's will start over!!!. This Kami Sama has declared and so shall come to pass if something isn't done."

Naruto then snapped his fingers and all of konoha minus the civilian council and minato's advisors had their chakra back. But one thing that worried minato and Kushina was what would happen if the God's carried out their threat to destroy the planet and erase all mankind and start over again???.

What happens if mankind is beyond saving and is facing mass extinction???.
Only time would tell.

Minato then said.

"Kushina... it's time to inform the village of what's going on and what's about to happen.
Hopefully if konoha proves themselves Worth saving perhaps we as a whole Nation will be spared."

And kushina said.

"I hope so minato. I really do.
But now that we have our chakra back we'll have to train with it from the beginning all over again.

And minato said.

"Well look at the bright side Kushina. At least our daughter isn't the jinchuriki like I planned to do. And your no longer burdened with the kyuubi. Without jinchuriki the world will know what REAL peace is."

And kushina said.

"I know that!!!. But that doesn't mean I don't like the fact that we have to start from the basics all over again. Remember how long it took you to create the rasengan???.

And then perfect it???. Not to mention that hiraishin technique.and elemental manipulation."

Minato knew that there was going to be a lot of hard work to get back to the level of skills they were at before losing all chakra. How long it will take even he didn't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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