Chapter 1

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A lot of these things are just random things I noticed through my numerous viewings of the movie. Most of them aren't anything spectacular or make a person change their view of the movie, but I thought they were interesting. A lot of times I'll just point out little details that it took me a while to notice, or things that I just thought were cool.

Side note, I have not read the books yet. I plan on reading them, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. They're a little hard to find where I'm from. Therefore, if I speculate about something that is clearly stated in the book, I apologize. I am only basing these off of what can be clearly observed in the movie, and occasionally I may bring up an interview or statement that was made about the film. I will not be talking about anything from the books, comic books, or video games. just the film.

I'm an English major, so I'm literally going to school to over-analyze stories. So sorry about this. But, without further ado, let's get started. I'm sorry if some of these are cringey, I really love this movie. Please don't make fun of me.

One last thing, I won't have a specific update schedule, I'm just going to upload chapters whenever I feel like it. So they won't always be on weekends. I hope you guys enjoy. 

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