The Anniversary

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It had been a whole year since Marinette had first become Ladybug. She had lost count of how many Akuma she had cleansed, it had been so long and she now knew so much, she couldn't believe how much she had grown.

Mari was excited and nervous, she quickly transformed and grabbed the box on her desk. She was off to see Chat, to celebrate she was excited but was kind of nervous to see how he liked the gift she made him. As she swang from the rooftops looking down on the people who wandered the streets all dressed to celebrate her and her partner. She could see so many people as she flew a little girl in a full Ladybug costume, a group of teenagers in bug and cat onesies and a man was handing out cat ears and bug antenna. She got so swept up in all the commotions that she almost missed the meeting spot. Just in time, she landed on the thin trim roof. She was so caught up in the emotion it took her a while to notice all the decorative lights and flowers. They were beautiful, she took it all in with a smile knowing it must have taken chat along time to set it all up. Suddenly a large dark figure landed in front of her, she instinctively reached for her yoyo preparing for battle. "Whoah whoah calm down... It's my bugaboo" Ladybug looked up to see her leather-clad partner standing in front of her.

"Hey, there kitty, happy anniversary," Ladybug said holding out the gift she made for him. "For me?" Chat said blushing slightly. He grabbed the box gently. Ladybug smiled as he unraped the gift. "Well would you look at that, it's just my size" chat said pulling out the emerald green gloves and placing them over his hand. "Are you sure they fit? I mean I tried my best but without measuring I was unsure,  and the stitching... well let's just say its not my best work." The very Marinette like rant caught her off guard, and she snapped back to what was happening. "They are wonderful, I can't believe you did this for me, Thank you!" Chat said "So glad I remembered to pick up your gift, or else this would be a catastrophe" His Cheshire smile gleaming over his mask. "Chat you shouldn't have!" She said arms outstretched to receive her gift. "Patience is a virtue my lady" chat looked at ladybug who altho she tried to hide it was disappointed. Chat had not told ladybug what his plans are for there anniversary of when their partnership began. "Well if your not going to give it to me yet, then what's the plan?" Ladybug asked. Silently he offered his hand, hesitantly ladybug took it. He shot up to a little platform that was even more decorated than where they had just, there was a table, two chairs, candlelight, dinner plates field with what looked like chats attempted at a homemade dinner. There was a cheese platter, spaghetti, and some cheesy garlic bread.

"You made me dinner?" She asked

"You deserve it, my lady, for all that you do for this city."

"Well I am all for free dinner but you didn't need to do all this"

"Yes I did"

Before she could say another word, he pulled out a chair and offered it for her to have a seat. "Shall we dig in?" Ladybug looked at the scene and doubt flooded her mind. "Chat?... You don't think... this is a date do you?" She walked to her seat. Chat's face grew a deep shade of red. "... Not if you don't want it to be..." He seemed more serious than usual. Ladybug liked chat but not in the way she knew he liked her. As she settled into her seat there was a long pause and the tension in the air was just a little too much to manage. "Umm.... this all looks delicious" Ladybug said trying to make him forget her previous question. "Did you make it all yourself?" Chat sat down in his chair "yah sorry if its a little plain... it's all I know how to make on my own" he picked up his fork but hesitated. "Here I was going to wait for later... but here" he slid a small what looked like a box for jewelry. "It's not as nice as the gloves and not as thoughtful but just give me credit, ok I tried." She slowly opened the box, scared to see what she would find inside. But when she looked she was not sure how she felt. There was a simple bracelet, one you could buy in any store. One big locket type charm in the middle and a simple black band. "Thank you for its great," she said sincerely. Chat looked disappointed "Oh bugaboo, you should know not to judge a book by the cover." He reached across the table and taps the locket in the middle. "Open it!" Ladybug pressed a small button and the charm popped open, a picture of a cat paw placed in the very center, with the words "for my bugaboo" scrawled in familiar handwriting. "I love it!" Ladybug held it close "I can't believe you did this, I can wear it as a civilian! It's perfect!" Chat was blushing harder than she had seen before.

The rest of there anniversary went better than she expected.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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