Bakugou Katsuki

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Prompt: May - Hiro and Bakugou have a chat about being a hero

The flowers were starting to burst out of their bud cages. The garden at the Katsuki home was well maintained by Momoka and her only son Hiro. Thanks to his mother's quirk of elemental, Hiro was destined to be different from his sisters. Both his older and younger sisters had quirks that instantly made them his father's favourites. Their quirks both had something to do with fire and explosions, but his quirk was called mother earth and it allowed him to become the greatest gardener in the city. But his sisters were eagerly following in the footsteps of their father. Because of this Hiro considered himself the black sheep of the family, even when his mother protested against this.

Momoka loved all her children quirk and all. She hated how much her son beat himself up over his quirk. So much so that when she woke up and saw the sixteen-year-old recovering the explosive half of the family's casualties; A few bluebells that had been scorch beyond saving. She woke her husband up to vent her thoughts.

A sleepily Bakugou tried to listen to his wife worries about their son but his mind was too focused on sleep. It had been a busy couple of days and Bakugou was glad he had the weekend off from hero work. The sleep-deprived hero would sadly have to find another way of regaining the lost hours, as his wife was determined to get him out of bed and into the garden.

Once the couple reached the kitchen Momoka pushed two steaming cups into his hands; one tea the other coffee. Then pushed him out of the kitchen and into the vast jungle of the backyard. Bakugou slowly trudged over to where his son most likely was. The flower bed that was occupying his son attention had a scorch mark right down the centre. Bakugou paused for just a moment as he watches Hiro restore the flowerbed back to its former glory.

"Ah...sorry about that" Bakugou said after a few seconds.

The sudden voice behind him and the fact that Bakugou doesn't normally come out to the garden unless training his sisters made Hiro jump slightly. The sixteen-year-old boy straightened out to his full height and turned around to see his sleepily eyed father staring back at him sipping his coffee and holding out another cup of liquid.

"Don't worry about it?" he said carefully as he took a hold of the second cup, hot green tea greeted his cold lips.

The two stood there sipping awkwardly at their own cups of steaming hot liquid. Hiro glance over behind his father to see in the distance standing just outside the kitchen door was his mother and two sisters watching with bated breath. Bakugou notices his son's eyes wandering behind him a chuckled a little to himself.

"Momo could never resist spying on others, even after we left school"

Hiro looked amusingly at his blonde-haired father; the only trait it seemed he got from the man in front of him. After that small titbit of information from his father the pair's conversation descended into silence. Hiro didn't even look back at his father until he had finished his cup and had bent down to continue to mend the flower bed.

"I'll remember to keep the girls away from here next time we train.....anywhere else I should keep them away from," Bakugou asked as he looked around the beautifully crafted garden that his wife had spent a good few months building before he had banned her from working; due to being heavily pregnant with the triplets.

"The five bed's over near the back wall, their seedlings so if you could that would be nice," Hiro said no looking up from the bluebells.


Heavy silence engulfed the garden. The small shouts of protest over something filtering out through the open kitchen door.

There were a few things Bakugou would never understand. 1. Woman, the countless times that he had misunderstood something that came flowing from his wife's mouth be a prime example. 2. His son's complete lack of fighting spirit, Hiro never argued with him or Momoka, he never yelled at anyone. The complete opposite of him when he was sixteen.

"How's school"

"Mum knows"

This annoyed Bakugou. Maybe it was he had basically ignored his son for the last ten years. Or maybe it was because somewhere deep inside him Hiro was a lot like Bakugou, more then they all thought.

When the pair had walked in the back door Momoka had taken their cups and handed them both a plate full of food. Hiro sat down opposite his father, his two sisters between them. Momoka roughly placed another steaming cup of coffee, small droplets of the scolding hot liquid landing on Bakugou's hand. This drew his attention to his wife who glances between him and their son.

"How are the bluebells doing Hiro, I might go and replant some healthy ones that haven't met the wrath and blazing heat of this family" she laughed at her own joke.

This brought a small amount of life to the table as the two sixteen-year-old girls giggled and Hiro mumbled a 'yeah, that's great'. Bakugou sighed; his two girls were easy to be around, with their bubbly personalities and want to be better than what they were 10 seconds ago. However, his son seemed to always stump him. Even after all the things that had happened that year so far, he couldn't get any closer to his son. Secretly the explosive blonde envied the close bond his wife and son shared, they had always gotten along. Ever since Hiro had gotten his quirk, he had been distant and cold towards Bakugou. Up until then, the pair had been inseparable, Hiro was always wanting to go to work with his father; sadly this was always shot down by his mother. However, that never stop Hiro from asking nearly every day.

Hiro rushed to finish his food; wanting to get back to the garden before his energetic sisters begged to train. He wordlessly placed his plate in the dishwasher and speed past his mother and into the garden. The tall bushes that fenced the yard were spouting red and pink flowers. Lively green grass was always short, so it never took away the beauty of the garden. Hiro made a b line for the mini nursery he and his mother had made a few summers ago. The greenhouse was filled to brim with a colourful array of flowers and edible plants, from bluebells and pansies to tomatoes and an apple tree. In the back corner was a plush chair, surrounded by piles of books and a few sketchpads.

Back in the kitchen, the two girls were on their knees begging their father to train, but unlike every other time, they were denied. Momoka shooed the pair of sulking girls up the stairs towards their rooms. She then turned towards her husband.

"So when are you going to ask?"

The question caught Bakugou off-guard, he had totally forgotten to ask. This seemed to flip a switch in his brain as he kissed his wife on the cheek and then marched out the back door and towards the flowerbed. When he didn't see his son, he tried to think of where the other blond could be. As he was thinking, his feet seemed to know the answer as they lead him towards the greenhouse on the other side of the garden.

Pushing open the door an immense heat greeted him. Crimson eyes stared at him, an inquisitive look etched on Hiro's features.


Bakugou coughed slightly as he approached his son, his hands becoming sweaty. His eyes studied the greenhouse; he hadn't really ventured into it until now.

"I was wondering if you wanted to do a few patrols or something like that with me next week, it's ok you don't, your sisters have been bugging me about for a while, but I wanted to ask you first" Bakugou rushed out.

"Why not"  

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