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I feel so tired........ the numbness of the cold is starting to consume my entire being..... I'm surprised Hypothermia hasn't hit me yet with the snow piling on top of me.

Or maybe it has hit me and I'm just slowly dying. I can't move....... maybe...... letting death take me wouldn't be so bad. This thing called life wasn't much of a life, if I could even call it a life at all.....

What is that silouette in the sky? An angel perhaps? Maybe.... mom? Wow who knew tears could feel so warm? I guess its time. I'm ready to come home mom.....

What's that smell? It smells like the porridge mom used to make. Is this what the otherside feels like? I feel a warm hand over my head, it feels so gentle like moms. I open my eyes to see some Asain guy checking my tempature.

"Oh good you're awake. I was worried I was gonna have to take you to a hospital if you did'nt wake up anytime soon", the Asain guy said as he stood up and walked over to the kitchen. As I got a better look at him, he looked kinda short, but his black looked like a silhouette when he stepped under the kitchen light. I sat up on the couch I was laying on and looked around the small apartment I was in. "You woke up just in time, I made porridge. I'm Dice by the way."

"I'm.....Jin.", I said as I sat up and stared at the floor. Dice poured some of the porridge in a bowl while I continuously stared at the floor. He walked over and handed the bowl to me while I looked at his auburn brown eyes with a depressing expression.

"You should eat it while its hot Jin.", he gave me a smile as he said that. I stared back down at the floor again as I held my tears back.

"Why..... just why did you save me? I don't deserve to live with the blood on my hands...", Dice sat next to me as I said those words. He took a deep breath and said;

"If you truly want redemption, then take responsibility by living with the blood on your hands.", he smiled as he handed the bowl to me again. This time I took the bowl of porridge and with a spoon, took a bite.

My cheeks feel warm again with the tears flowing. This porridge......taste like the way mom used to make it. As much as I want to cry, my stomach is craving for this homemade porridge more. As soon as I finished my bowl, I handed it to him.

"If it's not too much trouble, could I have some more please?", he smiled and grabbed the bowl pouring more for me.

"You can have as much as you want."

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