One of many

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(Warning// this chapter contains triggers such as abuse and Rape))

Lee Jin, that's the name I was given by 2 people I faintly remember. I have very few memories of my parents, but as I get older, they become more of a faint picture. I think I was about 4 years old when my parents died. The only family I had left was my brother, Haesoo, who was only 16 at the time. Haesoo wasn't exactly the parental type of person social services wanted to leave me with, so he did what any scared kid would do, he took me and ran.

It was hard to find stability in Korea with no money, let alone, a 4 year old you have to feed. Haesoo didn't have too many options, we had nothing and no hope until he got an irresistible offer. He was approached by a politician that offered a full house. Don't get me wrong, getting offered a full time job, along with a roof and food on the table with no expense is nice, until you have to pay your dues....

As the years passed by and I grew older, at first I didn't understand the situation at hand or my surroundings, and things were ok for awhile, until that incident on my 14th birthday.

The the day before my birthday, Haesoo had announced to me that he wanted us to move. It took me by surprise cause it just came out of nowhere out of the blue. He claimed that it was for work purposes and that he was being transferred to another company in America. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but little did I know the real truth would be revealed within the next few days.

"GET OFF!!! LET GO OF ME!!!", I was ambushed in my own home by 4 men men. I was blinded by the bag over my head and I couldn't see what was going on around.

"Hurry up before anyone sees.", The impact of being thrown hurt as they threw me into what felt like a van. One of the guys tied my hands together and held me down. The soreness of my body starting to take affect as I felt the weight they pressured to hold me down.

"What do you want?! who are you peop-", I could feel more soreness around my jaw as the tied a gag around my mouth.

"Just shut up, be a good boy and enjoy the ride.", as he chuckled I felt shivers down my spine as well as the hands roaming up and down my body. Struggling to get them off me, a flash of burning pain spread on my cheek as one of the guys punched my face. "You can make this easier on yourself or I can leave you with some scars, its your choice kid."

I'm scared. As much as I want to fight back, how can I? I was pulled out of my own thoughts when I felt those same hands starting roaming around my lower body. The fear and anxiety takes over as I feel the stingy sensation from my lower body. Soon the ringing in my ears began to overpower the voices of the bastards around me. As time passed, darkness started to consume as I felt myself losing consciousness.

Before I knew it, I opened my eyes to a white ceiling that was unfamiliar to me. Where am I? Was it just a nightmare? The answer to that question came sooner than I expected when I tried to stand up. Falling face flat on the floor was nothing compared to what I went through last night.

"Jin!", Haesoo was next to me before I knew it, but how could I look him in the eye now? I couldn't face him with the shame I felt overflowing.

"Haesoo...... kill me...", I whispered as I couldn't bring myself to face him. As he tried to come closer to hear I pushed him off me out of fear. "GET OFF, DONT LOOK AT ME", tears started pouring out of my eyes like a rainfall as he tried to help me up. He hugged me tightly as I cried. I felt my throat become dry as I screamed in pain. Why did this happen? How did it come to this? What did I do to deserve this?

It wasn't too long after that Haesoo told me the truth behind the assault on me. It was meant as a warning for Haesoo that he had a debt to pay off for as long as he lived and that the next time he tried to leave, the politician would take something bigger than my innocence:........ my life.

From that day on, we both knew there was no running away from this prison of a life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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