Chapter 1- Invention gone wrong

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(Hi guys just to let you know that s*** gets real at the end of this chapter, so I'm just letting you know, smut does start pretty much right at the start of the next chapter, so yeah just wanted to give you a bit of a head start of what will be happening here) Let's begin!!

It was about 2 years after that chaos of Lance turning into a pigeon by drinking one of Walter's "scientific liquids" and (you know all of that stuff) when this happened......

Walter was in his lab working on an invention, where two people who love each other stick together like glue (and I mean LITERALLY stick together). It wasn't that easy to do, but once it was done, Walter then put it in a little sample glass tube to keep this liquid secure and enclosed from being knocked over to the ground and breaking. But before he put it in a stand where he keeps all his samples, he always tests it first, so he grabbed the same tube carefully as he took out his beaker, and put his pet pigeon in the beaker. Once he poured to two drops on her, off the pigeon went out of the window and to some random place (idk). So, know he knew it works, he closed the lid and put the sample tube carefully in the stand, where it's safe. Lance then knocked on the door... "'Ey Walter! You there man?" Lance said, waiting for an answer. "Uhh..... Just a sec!" Walter than put the stand where it's more secure in a stand under his working desk. "Okay, you can come in!" He said with a smile. He then opened the door realising that he locked the door before he started working. "'Ey man wassup?" "Nothing much." Walter then said with a smile. "What cha working at?" "Uhh.... N-N-Nothing." "Hmm.... I'm not sure to believe that dude." Lance made a little chuckle until he got a little more concerned "Nah, nah, seriously, what are you working on? I don't really believe you saying that you're not working on anything, 'cause I know that you never stop inventing new things, that's for sure." "Uhh.... Well....." Walter was blushing as if he were a tomato, because he is way too embarrassed by what he'd just been working on. "...... Uh.... It's kinda hard to explain....." "You okay Walter? You don't look very well, you are very red. Do you have a fever? Is it too hot in here? Here I'll turn the fan on for-" He was stopped by Walter's hand grabbing his hand and saying "It's okay..... No I do not have a fever..... No it's not too hot in here....." He didn't say this last part until he let out a big sigh. "..... I'm finished with a liquid that can literally make two people in love with each other... Well... Stuck together like glue..... It works by one of the people drinking this liquid, and then this one person will be stuck with the person he (or she) loves until the other significant other loves him (or her) back..... And it works...." All Lance did was standing there with a very shocked look on his face after Walter had just explained that to him. It was a very uncomfortable silence until Lance finally said something "That actually sounds great! How about you try it?" "Me??? Uhhhh...." "Yeah, you! Try it! It won't be so harmless if you try your own invention for once in a while!" "O-Okay." Walter than picked the stand up off from under his desk and carefully took the sample glass out of it. He then took the lid off and drank it. He felt fine at first, but then, he dragged by (what seemed to be nothing) and he landed right on top of Lance!!!!!

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