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The Final Chapter. And I put my favorite Fadie gif ever as a cover. Both of them are my aesthetic!

 Both of them are my aesthetic!

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Part III

The next time they met, he was Finn Wolfhard.

It was hard not to be reminded that yes, my name is Finn Wolfhard and my identification number is... when he'd spent all of his morning in the police headquarters, repeating the same introduction whenever a cop asked him.

For the whole time, he'd been sitting on a cheap plastic stool in the busy department, dying for his turn to be interviewed as a witness to the tragic car accident that had sent more than half a dozen of people to the hospital.

Why was it so much difficult for him to be an upright citizen?

Finn could last a day without eating when he was busy with his work, but waiting inside the cold room with only a cup of water to quench his thirst drained his energy much quicker than anything else. By the time he walked out of the department, heading towards the lift, his stomach grumbled. Damn, his stomach hadn't made any sound since ages.


Damn, again. The back of his throat hadn't made any horrible squeak since ages ago too.

He turned his head in a robotic fashion, eyes meeting the other blue ones that he didn't think he'd see again. Another taunt from fate, it seemed.

All the hours of waiting were suddenly worth it when he saw how her brows furrowed in concern for him.

"Why are you here?"

Finn jabbed a thumb behind his back and at the traffic department.

"I'd just finished giving my statement for an accident."

"The one at secluded district?" Sadie pressed the lift button when he'd forgotten to do so.


"The interrogation must have taken you hours."

She was always amazing to him, but this was over the top. "How did you know that?"

"They are lacking manpower at the moment," Sadie shook her head inconspicuously.

"I guess you haven't had lunch, then?"


"No." He forced himself to speak, and it took him another ounce of energy to make sure the simple word that came out wouldn't be a stutter.

"I'm going to the cafeteria to buy some food. If you're keen, I can bring you there."



She questioned him and he briefly repeated what he witnessed at the accident since it wasn't anything confidential, unlike her fraud cases, which he deemed it would be inappropriate for him to ask. They comfortably moved on from the police matters and talked about one latest and famous horror film till the lift opened and they descended to the cafeteria level, where she then took charge with the directions.

Of Pull and Bear.                       ( Completed/FADIE )Where stories live. Discover now