Chilly Ride

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Setting down his mug of cocoa, Luigi took out his phone and answered it.


"Luigi..." Brad's voice was hushed and solemn. "I think we may have a clue regarding Mario's situation."

"You know where he is?" Luigi asked hopefully.

Brad cleared his throat. "There's a rumor floating around," he said. "Right now, they're saying—that King Boo escaped."

Luigi's heart stood still. "Who...?" he demanded.

"It's just a rumor for now," said Brad, "but if King Boo has in fact escaped, then he likely wants to hurt you for what you did to him."

Bile rose in Luigi's throat as he remembered the image of the portrait in the burlap sack. Those shoes. That cap. That shadow...

"Knowing his m.o.," Brad went on, "my best bet is that he'll want to lure both you and Mario into a trap, make you watch as he does whatever he pleases to your brother, and then..." He didn't need to finish that sentence, and they both knew it. "I think you should have your guard up over these next few days."

"So should you—along with Chad, Thad, Conrad and Peach," Luigi said as he clutched his stomach. "I don't know if he knows about the Princess, but I'm not taking any chances."

"We'll guard Peach with our lives, Luigi," said Brad. "Stay safe, okay?"

"Same to you."

Luigi hung up, dove for the trash bin and retched.

"Wow. Are you okay?" asked Ned as he walked into the lounge.

Luigi shook his head. "There's talk—that King Boo—somehow—escaped."

He wiped his mouth, splashed some water on his face and rejoined the Professor to warn him.

"I just got off the phone with an old friend in the MK," said Luigi. "King Boo is rumored to have escaped, and if that's true, then we'll both be in his crosshairs."

Fred and Zed exchanged alarmed looks.

"He'll probably want to set a trap for me and..." Luigi trailed off. "Dio. Maybe this is the trap. Maybe he arranged for the Dark Moon to be shattered, knowing that you'd call me, and then..."

"If he's in fact behind this," said Gadd, "then we need to stay on our toes. Fred, Zed and Ned—you're not leaving this Bunker without my say-so. Is that understood?"

The Toad Assistants nodded vigorously.

"We've got to get that Dark Moon piece now," Luigi said urgently. "Professor, is that Possessor still in the workshop?"

"Yes—the Parascope is still picking up that strong signal," Gadd replied.

"Great. Send me over there."

"These Possessors are smarter than your average ghost," said Gadd, "but I know you can beat them."


"Really, really."

Luigi blushed. "Thanks, Professor."

"Let's show this next Possessor what we're made of," said Gadd. "Off you go!"

Luigi gave a determined nod before Gadd pixelated him out.


There was no sign of a possessor, or of any ghost, when Luigi entered the workshop. There was a huge sheet of ice in the center of the room, some barrels, a few crates and a bobsled.

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