calls, school, and problems

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hosuhs pov
i wake up feeling hungry
oh yea... gotta be skinny!
but i have to eat breakfast or mom and dad will know
ill just come early and put more food on anns plate
what time is it now? 6:30 AM Monday
darn! i have to go to school
i hurriedly get my clothes on and go to the kitchen
perfect! ann isnt here yet
i put 8/10th of my food on her plate
then eating the 2/10th really quick, so she wouldn't question me
i go up to the bathroom, thankfully seeing her door is still closed. (which means shes changing)
i brush my teeth and take my backpack with all my things. i head out the door, then see a glimpse of ann for a second
"where are yo-"
i close the door before she can finish her sentence
(authors note: btw hosuhs parents leave for work at 6:00 so thats why he doesnt need to say bye to them)
shoot, i will see stephen at school oh no"
[time skip, hosuh arrives at the entrance]
"Hey Hosuh"
i turn my head to see a smiling Jay
"hi! how you doin-"
"So, have you and Stephen fucked yet?"
"w-what jay no!" i stutter and blush just at the thought of it
"What a shame."
"Hey guys!" I hear Stephen call
"Hey man!"
"h-hi" i blush, just being around him makes me nervous
"Hosuh, what are your class periods?" Stephen asks
"u-uh, math, gym, english, art, free period, chemistry, computer"
"I have computer and chemistry with you Hosuh!" Jay exclaims excitedly
"I have gym and art with you!" (hehe i picked these for a reason) Stephen says just as happy
"yay! w-whats your s-schedule s-stephen" i seriously gotta stop stuttering
"Oh me? English, gym, math, art, chemistry, computer, and free period."
the bell rings and we all part our ways.
[timeskip to gym cause im like that]
its gym time, ugh i hate gym! my mom bought me the gym clothes a size too short. they look like the girls shorts!
oh yea! i have gym with stephen. i hope he doesnt notice my clothing
"Everybody line up! We're doing 3 laps touching all five back stops! You can talk as long as your running."
the coach whistles in the cold autumn air and people begin to run
i spot purple hair and run up to the boy
"h-hi stephen!" sTop STUTTERING
"Hi Hosuh.. uh your shorts are kind of um..short" Stephen says with a light blush- wait bLUSH
"u-uh weLl mymomboughtthewrongsizeandikeepforgettingtotellhersoimstuckwiththesefornowalsowhyareyoublushing-"
"What do you mean Im blushing?"
stephens a bad liar
stephens pov
"What do you mean Im blushing?" I say. Im usually good at lying but...
Goddamn Hosuh looks se- STEPHEN YOU HORNY ASS BITCH
I can almost see the bottom of his ass I-
Good thing I dont have a boner that'd be fucking embarrassing
Do I even like him? Oh no- i might be in love
hosuhs pov
he's looking at my butt
i look to my side to look away from him, but see shiny things in the rock. he's just looking at that you weirdo!
"u-uh stephen?" i say blushing. you need to stOp
"What? Oh yea.. sorry. I got... carried away."
"u-uh yea i-its okay it h-happens to m-me t-too!"
"Hiya guys! Wait up!" Is that Jay?
"uh jay why are you here?"
"I have free period so I thought I would join you guys!"
"aw thanks!"
"So whats happening?"
"*cough* ass *cough* Nothing really."
what did he say? doesnt really matter, i think Jay knows though. he's smirking...why?
"wAit Huh?" Jay says still smirking
"i dunno?"
"What?" Stephen says
"Stephen, run a little faster, I gotta tell Hosuh something"
"Ok..?" He shrugs
he runs
"so what where you gonna tell me?"
"Oh Hosuh the innocent, sweet, precious, unknowning, bean."
"He was looking at your ass in them short ass shorts."
"u-uh whAt?" I chocked on the air
"Simple as that. Anyways, Im going to Stephen."
i run to stephen with jay
[time skip to art cause im lazy]
yay, my favorite, art!
"Hello class. Your topic today is to draw a person. Could be dead or alive. Cannot be made up. Simple as that."
"Yes Ms. Collins" the class says
then everyone gets up and moves to seats with their friends
i go to stephen
"Hey! Who are you gonna draw?"
"Hmm, I dont know..."
"I think I'll draw the one guy from the croissant vine"
"Can you show me yours after your done? I know your good at drawing"
"Im gonna start now, so sorry if I dont talk."
"oh its ok! go ahead"
i think of what to draw while scribbling quite neatly onto my paper
hmm.. i know! i'll draw ann! easy and simple-
stephens done already? i look at the clock its been an hour.
ive been thinking for an hour?!
"Who did you draw Hosuh?"
"Oh I drew no o-"
i look at my blank paper, except its not blank now
i've drawn stephen without knowing!
i cant let him see!
"o-oH uH i d-drew... ann.. y-yea thats a-all!"
"Can you show me?"
before i can say anything, stephen snatches my paper and his eyes widen
"um i-im s-sorry i w-wasnt really t-thinking i-"
"Its ok Hosuh! I like it! Can I keep it once you get it back after Ms. Collins is done grading?"
"o-oh u-uh s-sure" i say blushing- stOP HOSUH
"Hosuh are you ok? Your face is red."
oh no he noticed
"yEa Im fiNe"
the bell rings
thank you bell, i love u
"u-uH i g-gotta go!"
i take the paper and run to my next class
[time skip to where he is in his bedroom]
oh no
every time i think or see, or even be with him i either
1: blush
2: stutter
or three
my thoughts are interrupted by a ringing coming from my phone "incoming call from Stephen💕😈"
i forgot that his contact name was that!
i press accept, nervously fidgeting
"u-uhm h-hi!"
"Hey whats up Hosuh?"
"n-nothing m-much"
"Wanna play truth or dare?"
"u-uh sure.."
"Ok Hosuh, truth or dare."
"d-dare?" he messed up and he knew
"Hehe, I dare you to send the most embarassing message you've sent to someone ever"
"o-ok, but i s-sent it to y-you."
i go to the text i sent that says "purple is for royalty, and princes. princes are supposed to be handsome. i guess you are"
i screenshot it and send it in the messages
i can hear stephen laughing, then stops.
"u-uh whats w-wrong?"
"Why is my contacts name like that?"
"u-uH w-Well u-Um- truth or dare."
"Dare- but answer me-"
"i dare you to not ask why its like that"
"I hate chu"

truth or dare will be continued in the next chapter, but i gotta do hw now so bye!

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