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A bitten pearl is to test its loyalty, are you real or are you faulty?

Will you shatter or will you defend?

Neither the matter, neither the latter, a pearl will always be tested till they prove their stature. Never-ending torture to those who seek to be loved. This is real my love, I'm not sent from above.

Forever be tainted with proving its virtue, how much should the pearl be made to endure, and will it hurt too?

If the white skin crumbles leaving nothing but sadness in the ground, will I be relieved or will I just frown?

It's worth cannot be slienced with tests of strength. What works for you won't always be the finest, but finding the truth out of many lies is not the most kindest. These thoughts have quieted into the night. Hush my dear, please don't fight it.

Why pearl? why do I push you away when I know it's where you belong?
Cradled above my heart listening to our very own love song.
Don't break, please don't break.
You have to be strong for my sake.

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