004 - this is for rachel

251 3 7

trashmouth : happy new years baby u better give me a dam kiss
eddiek : uh no thanks and u woke me up;(

trashmouth: u don't stay up for new years?

nah my mom doesn't give a fuck oh and tammy says hi
and nick
and freddie
and mike

trashmouth :

eddiek added suckmydick ,nick.le , and freddiegbaby

hi im tammy

im nick ofc

freddie gomez at your service

why am i the only one with a normal username other than nick

cause ur uncreative

e: oh shut up

t: omg shipshipship

f: tammy shush we all know u and nick tongue fuck each other all the time

r: 😳

n: .....

t: .....

e: anna oop

e: you fuckers fell asleep
my resolutions for you guys
tammy: date nick
nick: date tammy
freddie : get dicked
richie : this is for richie you big fat white ass nasty smelling fat bitch, why you took me off the motherfucking schedule with your triflinn dirty white racist ass big fat bitch oopma loompa body ass bitch, I'm coming up there and I'm gon beat the fuck outta you bitch

get yo shit together sevie

im tired so I made a quick chapter🥺

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