journey towards bliss

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Hi! My name is Vikram. Coming to myself I love playing sports, reading books, hanging out with my friends and sleeping. My daily routine is to wake up at 7:00 am in the morning hit the gym till 8:30 come back home get ready for college  and leave come back home at 6:00pm relax for a while try to study and then go out to meet friends. This is how my life goes on everyday with a routine which sounds like a bit intresting to few but it is very boring

By the coming to my educational  background I am pursuing engineering third year mechanical branch . Two years of my life  I spent by seeing and cleaning machines . But deep inside my heart somewhere I wanted to travel but my brain pierces me with a thought that it's not your cup of tea. The days passed my exams have arrived. Like everyone I used to prepare one day before the exam and I did the same . But this time my luck didn't favour me and I was unable to clear my exams.

After seeing  the result I broke down into tears and I lost my calm and peace. I broke down because I applied for an internship in a company but their eligibility criteria was not to have any backlogs. I was in my room sitting alone  and crying about my career. I lost all my peace and began to get irritated. As the days passed  my situation became even worse and was feeling very uncomfortable to stay at my place.

Then my friends came to visit  me and said that it's ok take a break and spend some time with yourself. After that I decided to go somewhere where I can find peace after wasting a lot of time I decided  to go to Nandi Hills

I went to Nandi Hills on 29/12/2019 by train from Hyderabad to Banglore and hired a car for reaching Nandi Hills . I started from my hotel at 3:00 am in the morning. Since I was all alone I enjoyed my drive to Nandi Hills by listening songs of my choice, cool breeze and fog . I reached there at 4:15 am and was very shocked by seeing  the crowd.

The crowd was humongous. Then I felt that this place must be intresting and beautiful because so many people turned towards it. Then I took the ticket and started going up the hill. In that journey to mountain suddenly I felt a pleasant feeling it maybe due to cool weather or not I don't know but I had experienced combinations of various feelings like happiness, enthusiasm, excitement, bliss and all the words which describes about  positive vibes as in English dictionary .

At some point I felt that there is a miracle in this place and helping my brain to release dopamine. I was feeling very light in that atmosphere. After walking few more meters I arrived at the starting point. That is the point where I saw a mountain which was opposite  to me. By looking at that mountain I fell in love with it. What I saw was a mountain which was opposite was covered with clouds and only few portions of the mountain was visible to the naked eye. The environment was amazing I felt it like a perfect landscape and beautiful creation of god

I sat there for some time peacefully and was lost I  my thoughts.  Then I was thinking about my backlogs by seeing  that mountain. Then I realized that I am the cloud which is covering the mountain. Remaining portions are my problems and tourists are the people who judge me. I felt that if I would  have been only cloud no one would come this far to see me. If I would have been only mountain people wouldn't have bothered about me and people may judge according to your presence especially physically

But what if mountains and clouds combine that would be perfect picasso type one. And people may come from far away to see you and have a look of your achievements and appreciate you.If you are not a combination like mountain and clouds you won't get a good environment like I was experiencing at that place.

The weather at that time made that scenery more attractive. After that I started making my move to the next view point which is the main and last view point. After going there I went totally crazy by seeing a fantastic view . The view was sunrise. The sun was above the clouds the rays and shine produced by the sun were really amazing. The cool breeze and warm sunrays which were falling on my body made me go Yahoo and I wanted to shout on the top saying that this what I wanted which is nothing but peace

I never had a such a fresh mind and a blissful life. Now I am experiencing not only that when I was coming up I heard my heart beat, my breath and my mind was relaxing. Along with these I learnt to rise up like sun and shine brighter no matter whatever happens or anyone who judges you. My trip to Nandi Hills  will have a special place in my heart especially mountain covered with clouds and sunrise. Finally I can say about this place is if you want to experience bliss come and have a look at it

                                 DEVARA AKILESH

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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