14 | Hysteria

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The winter weather shred excitement in the hearts of students for the upcoming holiday, making it hard to take lessons seriously. The very first time it snowed, the pearly tufts laid their blankets over the crags of Hogwarts, those white drops hailing students in tides of comfort and delight, all simmering at the idea of packing up their things and heading home for a well-deserved break. Gian spent his last few weeks preparing for exams, finding solace in the kitchens, and enjoying time spent with his friends. The amount of time he was around Remus became so compulsory for the two of them that they began to meet up at certain times in specific locations, without even having to voice their plans. When they weren't studying together in silence, they were sat out on a gnarled allotment of roots, listening to music on Gian's walkman. Ever since he found out Remus' favourite artist was Billy Joel, he replaced his on-the-go inventory of cartridges with nothing but the artist, despite his protests that he didn't mind listening to other musicians. Gian enjoyed watching the enchantment kindle in his eyes like a cluster of spark plugs, lighting up the hearth with flames that danced in accordance with each note. So he kept it that way.

After ensuring he had his stationary packed, Gian petted Cosmo goodbye, pressing a quick kiss to her head before retreating downstairs to meet his friends. Mathilde, Opal, Heidi, and Alanis all greeted him with murmurs of half-hearted good mornings, most too tired to put up any enthusiastic pretenses. 

While they walked, somehow Sirius became a topic of conversation.

"If he's not going to ask you out before Valentine's Day, then someone's going to have to interfere because this is getting ridiculous. He won't shut up about you, you won't shut up about him. Why the fuck are you playing this game? If you like each other, then do something about it, you muppets," lectured Alanis to Heidi, who was blushing but also glaring at the same time.

"You think I don't know that? I want him to ask me out, I really do, and I've given him plenty of hints, so if he's just too stupid to get them, then I don't even know if I want to go out with a guy that stupid," she ranted in her own defense.

"Please," snorted Mathilde, chipping in. "That's just your excuse because you don't want to ask him out."

The other hummed in assent with the remark, causing Heidi to scoff incredulously. "Okay, so what if I want him to ask me out? I think he should, he hasn't contributed enough to whatever thing we've got going on. I can't be doing all the work."

Gian exhaled a peel of laughter at that and her head snapped over to him, and he quickly shut up. He adjusted the books he was cradling in his arms, pinching his lips together with his eyes pinned straight ahead.

"What? Got something to say, Adams?" she demanded. "Tell me."

"Nothing," he said, but then contradicted the phrase with an air of contention, "I just think it's ridiculous that you've got it in your head that you need him to ask you out. It's already obvious that he likes you so I know it's not rejection you're afraid of; what, do you think guys don't like girls asking them out? Because you couldn't be more wrong. If anything, guys find that more attractive."

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