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Dandeline's Pov
It was an ordinary day for me, I wake up with my bed and saw the dextrose injected in my hand. I sighed and just close my eyes. This is a normal day for me, I'll always wake up with these stuffs. Sometimes I have a tube on my mouth and mostly i have this dextrose.

I slowly open my eyes and found out that my Dad is watching me quietly. I smile to him, to assure that I'm okay. Because he looks tired and I know that he stay awake at night just to check if I'm okay. How sweet of Dad isn't it?

"How's your sleep?" he asked me innocently. I knew he just said that to make me feel okay.

"Nah you know Dad that I can't sleep," I replied and we just both laugh.

"I'm just joking my princess, anyway how's your feeling? Are you tired? hurt? or ---" before he finished what he is saying, I cut him off and smile to him.

"I'm used to this Dad, I'm okay I feel better than yesterday," I exclaimed happily with a big smile on my face.

He let out a sigh and walk beside my bed. He caress my hair and hold my hand, he always like that. A sweet Dad that everyones wanted.

"Dandeline, please fight for your Dad will you? I am sorry if i am being selfish, I don't want to lose you my daughter," he said that while crying like a baby infront of me. My eyes gets watered but I didn't let a tear fall from my cheeks.

"Don't worry Dad, I will not leave you. I will fight for you Dad, I promise." I wipe his tears and he just nod his head.  He always says that he is scared that I will leave him. Well I am also scared...scared to die. I'm not ready yet, seeing my Dad like this, is a torture for me. So I promised to myself that as long as I can fight, I will fight.

When my dad leave the room, five minutes have passed Dr. Romino entered the room. He had always a genuine smile on his face. My heart beats faster when he touched my forehead.

"How's your feeling?" He asked me while checking my pulse.

I didn't answer instead I raised my hand and give him a thumbs up sign. He chuckled and sat beside my bed. He stare at me with full of emotions in his eyes. I didn't stare back and avoid his gaze.

"Dandeline," he said my name so sweet.

"What?" I answered back without staring at him.

"What do you want to do?" he asked me again,

Wait did he asked me what I want to do? I easily get up and get my notebook happily. I show him my notebook, it have different stamps and stickers on its cover.

"Oh what will you do to that notebook?" the confusion is written all over his face. I laugh and get back to my bed.

"This is my bucket list," I showed him the first page of my note it has a calligraphy title on it.

"Dandeline Bucket list," he read the title and I turn it to the second page.

"So you only have five bucket list?" he asked me while he reads my first bucket list.

I nodded my head and hug his back, he stilled and I feel he is breathing heavily.

"When we will start?" I asked him with my soft voice, I love his smell I will never get tired smelling his perfume.

"How a-bout this o-ne?" he is stuttering while pointing his index finger on my bucket list.

I check it and smile...

"Learn how to skate in ice," I said it in a low voice and turn around with Dr. Romino.

I see how his protruding hazel eyes gets wider. I knew that our distance is closed enough to feel his mint breathe.

"Thank you," I exclaimed and hug him tightly.

My heart is beating faster and this is not good for me because too much emotions can risk my life...
I feel dizzy and just like before my body shut down but my mind is completely awake again...

YOU CAN SLEEP NOW, DANDELINEWhere stories live. Discover now