His Name Is Geralt

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Chapter 1 

~ Geralt's Pov ~

Many know me as The Butcher of Blaviken. The White Wolf. The Witcher. Geralt of Rivia. Or they know of me, by my hair, my eyes, even by my horse Roach. But I'm more than any of those things, I may be a mutant, but I'm still a living being.

I am just Geralt.

Now, I'm not saying I give a fuck what other people think of, I honestly couldn't care less, but it would be nice to meet someone that didn't know me by my reputation. And knew me for me.


~ No One's Pov ~

Little did Geralt know he would be meeting someone just like that later that day in the local town tavern. A Mage to be exact.


~ (Y/N) Pov ~

As they walk out of the wash room in the tavern of their home town of Cintra, they  bump into a bard. they make eye contact with him and they are quick to apologize, "I am so sorry. I should really look where I'm going" they laugh and he chuckles.

"I'm Jaskier" he introduces himself.

"I'm (Y/N)" they say back.

They smile at each other, then he says, "would you like to meet my friend Geralt?"

They look at him quizzically with a raised brow, "why?"

He gives them a cheeky smile and says, "because I think you're good company and Geralt could use someone else to bother him other than just me" he laughs at the end.

They look at him one last time but agree, he walks them over to his table. The man they saw there wasn't what they were expecting, he's muscular, has long white hair. They also noticed the medallion around his neck, he's a Witcher. Sure enough the first thing out of their mouth instead of their name was, "you're a Witcher?" And they immediately regretted it and clamped their hand over their mouth so fast.

When he looks at them he doesn't look shocked. He's probably so used to that question that he's unfazed by it now.

Then he says, "I'm Geralt, and you are?"

They look away from his intense amber eyes and say, "I'm (Y/N)". He looks them over as they introduce them self and they shift uncomfortably.

He seems to notice, then say, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable."

They smile, "It's okay, sir".

Geralt chuckles and looks at them, "please call me Geralt" then he gestures for them to sit. They do because he's an intimidating Witcher. They sit next to him. He looks at them and says, "So, what's a sweet little thing like you doing here?" They look at him and chuckle.

Then they say, "Honey, I'm far from sweet." Jaskier finally chimes into the conversation and chuckles at what (Y/N) said. They look at him and smile then say, "You think that's funny Dandelion?" Jaskier chuckles, "Wow, I haven't been called that in while. How did you know people used to call me that?"

(Y/N) looks at him while they laugh then say, "When I walked in I heard some folks saying it."

Jaskier just looks at them and smiles.


The next couple hours were spent with the three of them talking and laugh. Also with Geralt and Jaskier getting to know (Y/N).

Finally (Y/N) said, "It's been fun boys but I really should be heading out now." Jaskier agreed and said he should get going as well. The three of them stand up, and Geralt surprises (Y/N) by asking, "Can I walk you home (Y/N)?" They look at him shocked but responded with, "Okay" because honestly the Mage is very intrigued by the white haired Witcher. They have never met one before. 

The trio walk out of the tavern together then they part ways. Jaskier going one way, Geralt and (Y/N) going the other. 

As they walk to (Y/N) house, Geralt strikes up conversation, "So, how long have you been in Cintra?" 

"My whole life" they respond. Geralt looks at them in surprise. The Mage continues, "I've here and there though. I am a Mage after all" (Y/N) chuckles after they say that. Geralt looks even more surprised, "I knew there was something about you, I just couldn't figure out exactly what it. I'm a Witcher I can usually tell those sorts of things. But there is something about you Little Mage" He chuckles at the end. 

The sorceress looks up at him and smiles, "I have my scent masked, from Witchers" He chuckles, "I understand." 

They make it to (Y/N)'s house and stand in front of the door. 

Geralt speaks up first, "Well I guess this is where we part ways." He looks downs at the Mage because of the considerable height difference. (Y/N) looks up at him, "Yep" They stare into each others eyes for a minute then Geralt looks away.

Then he grabs the witch's hand and places a kiss on the back of it and asks, "Will I see you again, Little Mage?" He looks into their eyes as they say, "If you stop calling me Little Mage"

Geralt chuckles, "Why would I do that? I find the reaction I get out of you amusing" he has a mischievous look in his eyes.

The sorceress rolls their eyes, "I'm glad you do, Witcher" they both laugh for a minute.

"I'm gonna head inside now. Thank you for walking me home Geralt."

They say their final goodbyes and part ways, Geralt went back to town to get Roach, (Y/N) inside to take a bath.


~ Geralt's Pov ~

I knew when (Y/N) walked up to me with Jaskier, there was something about them. I immediately felt drawn to them. Their (Y/E/C) eyes, their (Y/H/L), (Y/H/C) hair. I hope I get to see them again. 

I mount Roach and go to the inn I'm staying at. 

I get in the bath. Then I climb in bed and go to sleep for the first time in days. Thinking about a certain...



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