That Fucking Mage

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Chapter 2

~ Geralt's Pov ~

I wake up the next morning still thinking about that Mage. Their eyes, their hair, everything about them. I'm hoping to see them again. 

What am I saying? I sound like a teenager going after his high school sweetheart. I'm not supposed to have feelings. I think to myself. 

What is (Y/N) doing to me? 

That fucking Mage. 

I need to talk to Yennefer. 


I told her to meet me at the same tavern I met (Y/N) at last night.

"So what is it that you need Witcher?" Is the first thing Yen says when she walks in. Lovely. 

"Nice to see you too, Yennefer. I wanted to talk to about a Mage that Jaskier and I met last night." She looks at me with raised brows, "is it because I'm a Mage myself that you wanted to talk to me about them?" 

I meet her gaze, "No it is not, I wanted to talk to you about them because, they are doing something to me. Something I don't know how to handle." 

She looks at me and raises a brow, "Are they hurting you?"

I sigh exasperatedly, "No, I just...I'm...feeling things i don't understand."

She laughs, laughs so hard that she throws her head back. I frown and furrow my brows at her, "What's so fucking funny Yennefer?" I glare at her after saying that. 

She stops laughing and says, "The big, bad Witcher has feelings that he doesn't understand" then she starts laughing again, just not as aggressive.

I grunt, which gets her to stop laughing, "What? You don't want to admit you have feelings Geralt?" 

I roll my eyes, "That's the whole reason why I came here Yen" She looks at me sympathetically, "I know Geralt, I just like to tease you, We've been friends for years you should know this by now." 

I look at her and smile, "I know. Anyway, can you help me figure out what to do about them Yen?"

She smiles at me, "Of course"

So, she asks me about them. I tell her how we met and what their name is, and I tell her about last night and what I was thinking this morning. She looks at me knowingly this whole time I talk about (Y/N) to her. I describe their eyes, hair and everything about them to her. 

She finally speaks  up after a while, "You like them"

"What?" I look at her questioningly.

"You don't love them or anything like that but you like how they make you feel, which could turn into something more if you let it, Geralt."

I look at her and nod. She was right. I did like how (Y/N) made me feel. Even if it did confuse the hell out of me. Yennefer and I continue to talk for a while after that until she has to leave on her next adventure. I sit in the tavern and drink for a while after she leaves and just think about my next move with (Y/N).


~ (Y/N) Pov ~

They were taking their morning walk through the woods behind their home. In retrospect it's not a good idea for them to be doing that regardless if it is broad daylight. They do it anyway, because honestly they don't give a flying fuck. They can take care of themselves if they needed to. They are a Mage after all. 

They were pretty deep into the forest when they heard something. They quickly hide behind a tree, ready to protect themselves if need be. They here someone grunt then speak, "Fuck."

I recognize that voice, they think to themselves. Then they hear running, so they revel themselves from the tree only to have a body to run into them and get knocked over with the person on top of them and crushing them. 

They groan and try to get the heavy weight off of them, when they can't they make eye contact with the person. Recognition crosses both of their eyes. They speak at the same time,



They blush at the way Geralt says their name. The way it just rolled off his tongue so effortlessly. Fuck, I need to stop thinking that way about him. He clearly doesn't like me like that, they think to themselves. They groan and try to shove Geralt off. Geralt appears to get the message and gets off. 

"I'm sorry for running into (Y/N/N)" He looks up at them sheepishly and scratches the back of his neck. They meet his gaze and smile, "it's all right Geralt."

"So what are you doing out here?" he asks just to make conversation, they could tell he was trying to lighten up the tense atmosphere. "I go walking out here every morning these woods are just outside my house."

Geralt nods in acknowledgement, "I actually forgot you lived in this area if I'm being honest" he laughs nervously after he says that. They choose to call him out on that.

"Why are you acting so weird today, Geralt?" 

He looks up surprised and caught off guard, "W-what are you talking about?" They cross their arms and give him a knowing look.

"Fine, I'll talk" he grunts. They smile triumphantly at him. 

He smirks, "Not so fast, Little mage. That didn't mean I would talk right now. Because I'm still trying to process it myself. You'll know in time."

They groan and throw their arms up in the air and sigh exaggeratedly, "fine, you win this time, Geralt." He chuckles, "of course I do, Little Mage, I always do" he winks then calls Roach over.

"I bid you farewell (Y/N), until next time, my dear Little Mage."

They smile and wave him off, "until next time, Witcher" they smirk and start their journey back home.


~ Geralt's Pov ~

That fucking Mage.

They are doing things to me, things I don't understand. Sometimes things I don't like, probably because I don't understand it. This is the second Mage I let get to me this way.

Yennefer...Yennefer was a different story though. We're friends now, we quickly realized we were better off as friends, nothing more. We're great friends actually, we visit anytime we cross paths. Anyway, I need to get my shit together about (Y/N). I sigh and get up to go take a bath. I fucking need one after the day I had. 

As I'm sitting in the bath one thought goes through my head,

That fucking Mage.

As I get into bed that night another thought crosses my mind and I smile,

I'm gonna fuck that Mage.


To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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