🌺🌻🌹🌷 Part 19 🌺🌻🌹🌷

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The Next Day.


Arnav and Khushi who were already dressed for the day stood at the top of stair with their arms locked at each other's waist, looked down at the most beautiful scene. Lavanya together with Anita had bath and were feeding their babies. Their reverie was broken by a feminine voice.

"She would've made a perfect mother. "

Arshi turned to see Payash behind them and chuckled.

"You are right jiji..... She would have been a mother and a good one too if only Karan hadn't done what he did. "
Khushi said in an angry tone shocking Payash who looked at each other and back to Khushi whose eyes were filled with anger and rage and so was Arnav's expression.

"Bhabhi...... What does Karan have to do with Lavanya. " A confused Akash asked and a curious Payal looked on. Arnav sighed and told them to follow him to his study and there Arshi told them everything about Karan and Lavanya. Akash was angry at Karan while Payal was shocked that Karan was capable of doing something like this.

"We have decided to confront him about it today...... Because he called Khushi this morning to confirm that he will be joining us to work on the upcoming fashion show. " Arnav said.

"So that's why you didn't want Lavanya to join us. " Payal voiced out as to why Arnav did it and he nodded. Khushi then asked them to go down to avoid any suspicion. The all went down and had their break fast and kissed their munchkins goodbye. After they left Anita's phone vibrated indicating she had a message. She checked it and saw her husband's name displayed on it. The message read.

"Meet me today it very important. "

Anita knew it was serious as her husband wasn't the type that beat around the bush. She knew something big was up and it could spell trouble for all.

PK Designs.

Payash and Arshi called a meeting involving Nk and Aman and told them everything about Karan.

NK was ready to bounce on Karan if he came to his sight which surprised everyone as he barely knew Lavanya but Arnav stopped him saying they have to confront him first which calmed him.

Everyone immediately knew NK has taken a liking to Lavanya. So it was decided Khushi will confront him while they listen to they through a bugging device Arnav has inserted in Khushi's office. Aman after the meeting texted his Mission Sheetal members of a meeting while Lavanya will be Skyped. Arnav noticed this exchange but kept quiet.

Gupta Mansion.

The Guptas woke up to their now empty lives because of the absence of their daughters and grandkids. Shashi, Madhu, Garima and Karan sat down to eat their breakfast. Garima looked at an already dressed Karan and said.

"Karan...... Since you are joining Khushi at work today please take care of her for me. "

Karan smiled and nodded but soon that smile dropped when an annoyed Shashi sternly said.

"Karan there is no need for you to stress yourself doing that........ Payal and the boys are there to do it and so is her husband Arnav....... So don't bother about her and concentrate on your work. "

"Shashi is right....... You should concentrate on your work. " Madhumati said supporting her brother. Karan was about to retort but Shashi shut him up.

"I insist and please don't let Garima encourage you that there is something more between you and Khushi because the only thing that will ever be between you is friendship, nothing more nothing less.......... And the sooner you understand that the better for you........ And that goes for you Garima as well. "

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