14. The big day

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"Are you ready?" Jane asked, holding her clipboard.

"Have you seen Mal?" Ben asked, getting up from his seat.

"Yes, She's already in the limo." Jane replied.

"Perfect, let's go."

They both walked out of the room an headed towards the front yard.

"Is everything ready?" Ben looked at Jane.

"Yes. The enchanted lake is decorated for the event and we have the activities ready." Jane said.

"Everyone will be there, right?"

"Yes, exactly."

Jane and Ben walked through the front doors of the castle and saw three guards standing outside the limo.

"Okay let's do this." Ben said. Then he got in the limo and sat next to Mal.

She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder.

Ben ordered the driver to start the limo and gave him the control to open up the bridge.


Mal walked up to her mother's old castle and stood on the balcony, she figured it was the best place to give a speech since the whole isle could see her.

"Attention please!" Everyone turned to look at her.

"I'm pretty sure we've all been waiting for this day." The crowed cheered and clapped, there were a few groans and some people rolled their eyes but Mal didn't care.

"We really wish we could take all of you but don't worry if you didn't get chosen this time there's always a second chance. Now....you guys want to know who gets to come to Auradon!?"

"YES!!" The crowed yelled.

Mal motioned for her friends to say who they picked. Evie, Jay and Carlos walked up to Mal with their papers in hand.

"You go first." Evie whispered at Mal.

"Let's start with the mischievous fourteen year old. daughter of doctor Facilier.Celia Facilier! Come on up here girl!"

Celia jumped and cheered then she ran up to where Mal was. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She exclaimed right before giving Mal a big hug.

"You're very welcome." Mal said. Then she turned to look at Evie.

"Your turn." She said.

Evie smiled and walked up to the front of the balcony. "Next up is the daughter of Lady Tremiane, this girl is like a sister to me. She's kind and funny, and I'm so happy she can come to Auradon, come on Dizzy!"

In the crowd you could hear a loud squeal and a little girl with colorful ribbons in her hair, ran up to the balcony and gave her friend a huge hug.

Evie smiled and said. "You deserve it." Then she looked over at Carlos and he nodded.

He walked up to the front. "Next is the son of the queen of hearts, I don't really know this boy but from what he wrote on his application I feel like he would do great in cross. Quincy Hearts come on up!"

Quincy high fived his friend Mark and ran up to the balcony. "Thanks man." He said patting Carlos on the shoulder.

Carlos laughed and motioned for Jay.

"And last but not least the son of Mother Gothel, best friend to Quincy Hearts give it up for Mark Gothel!"

Mark ran up to the balcony and fist bumped Quincy, without even thanking Jay.

"Well if we have everyone we should get going." Mal said.

"Yes we should and don't worry we'll be back." Evie assured.

"Let's go." Jay said as he started to walk towards the limo.

They were about just about to arrive at the school when Mal's phone rang.

She picked it up and read "Jane💙"

"Hey Jane, what's up?" Mal asked answering the phone.

"Where are you guys?" Jane asked on the other end.

"We're heading toward the school, why?"

"Oh, Ben forgot to tell you? We're all waiting for you guys at the enchanted lake."

"Oh okay I'll tell the driver to head over there, thanks for telling us." Mal hung up.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" Jane asked.

"Yeah I think." Lonnie said.

Jane nodded and ran up to check if Mal and the others had arrived.

"They're here!" She yelled.

As soon as those words came out of Jane's mouth, Lonnie turned on the lights around the lake and Melody hurried to finish with the balloons.

"This place looks beautiful." Mal said, getting out of the limo.

Mark and Quincy started running around chasing each other. Meanwhile, Celia and Dizzy talked about how pretty Auradon was.

Ben wrapped his arm around Mal and they walked down to the lake.

"Amazing job." Ben said, smiling at Jane.

Jane smiled back and signaled for Ben to come.

"I'll be right back." Ben said to Mal and walked towards Jane.

"So when are you going to...well you know." Jane whispered.

"Once we finish with what we planned for the new kids." Ben said.

"Ben! I need help. Mark and Quincy and running around I need you to help me calm them." Mal ran up to where Jane and Ben were.



"Now that all the activities for the new vks are over, would King Benjamin and Mal Bertha please step up to the front."
Jane talked through the microphone.

Mal gave Ben a look of confusion. He just smiled and grabbed her hand.

Jane gave Ben the microphone and there was a silence in the crowd.

Ben looked at Mal and smiled. "Mal, this is the exact same spot where we had our first date "

Mal blushed a little as she smiled back at him. "And where I had my first strawberry." She giggled.

Ben chuckled and looked down still smiling, he was nervous and Mal could tell.

Jane noticed he needed some help. "Mal!" She yelled.

"What..?" Mal turned around.

In that moment Ben took out the ring and got down on one knee.

"Oh nothing I think you should turn back to Ben!" Jane giggled.

"Okay.." Mal slowly turned around and looked down at Ben, noticing the position he was in, her face had a shocked expression and she felt butterflies in her stomach.

"Mal...I love you and I'll never stop loving you, you mean everything to me and I want you to stay with me forever...so Mal Bertha will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes! I'll marry you Ben!" Mal exclaimed, Ben got up and put the ring on her finger, they kissed while the crowd cheered and clapped.

"She said yes!" Carlos jumped up and Evie laughed.

"You knew, I know you did!" Mal ran up to her.

"Duh I helped pick out the ring and plan this whole thing!" Evie looked at Mal with a proud expression.

"So...I'm guessing you've started with the wedding dress ideas." Mal smiled.

"Omg I cannot wait for you to see them! I have so many ideas but I don't know which one you will like! And I don't want to-"

"Hey, Evie! Slow down." Mal laughed, putting her arm around Evie. "C'mon let's enjoy the rest of the party."

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