How My Days Go

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"Soup is Numbah Wan!"
- Prefers to be Unnamed, 2020

I'll describe how my daily life goes:

First thing I do in the morning after waking up is look out and below my bedroom window; I live in a pretty busy district of a city so there is a lot of traffic for both vehicles and people. After a few minutes of looking, I formally get up and get ready for work; I turn the TV on (but I don't watch, I just leave it turned on for the audio), prepare and eat breakfast, take a bath, get dressed, turned everything off and leave for work.

Outside, the streets are filled with all kinds of people; people going to work just like me, people just out on a walk, people going to the market and people who are just there. Most of the time, especially on the weekdays, the street I live is too crowded, making hard to commute to work; just getting through the street is hard enough, one has to maneuver through the crowd just to from my door to the edge of the street in order to wait for a bus that passes near where I work.

Once a bus arrives, I get on and pay the fare; as the driver of the bus either speeds through the road or gets stuck in traffic, I look out the window and watch the people and cars go about their day. The view outside the car window slowly change from a wealthy district; the lower floors of high towers, restaurants and food chains to nothing but the highway, the divider wall is all that I can see on one side of the bus and other cars on the other side, it goes on like this for the rest of my journey on the bus. I get off the bus underneath an overpass where there was nothing but a small eatery.

Everytime I get off the bus and get a good look of at the surroundings, there was always this little girl sitting at the eatery, I can say this with confidence because she was always there; from the very moment I arrive to the end of the day when I call a cab to go home. She always waves hi and goodbye to me but I don't really respond to her. I continue on my way to work, out of the overpass and unto a highway where I ride another bus on my way to my workplace; this is the last ride I have and I'm there and once I'm there, I simply go to work as a regular office worker. My entire journey lasts for about 30 mins on average.

This is how my days pretty much go before...

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