Iolite Unbubbled! His new name is...?

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Here I am, inside my own gemscape. I'd have thought they'd have bubbled me, but from what I've heard, being bubbled is like being in stasis. I shouldn't be here. Unless... something dragged me here. I look around, hoping I don't see it. Suddenly, a wave of familiar noise assaults me. Cries for violence, death, and pain ring out in my ears, but this time, from a clear source. I turn to look, and see him. The personification of the 'voice' in my head.

It had the same figure as me, large and imposing, but it was wreathed in lashing blue flames. Its gem was the same oval shape as mine, but where my gem points left and right towards my shoulders, its gem pointed up and down. The tips of its fingers tapered off into points, like bone, and its head was a burning skull as opposed to my impassive features. It was chained to a wall, signifying my control over it. It thrashed around, straining at the locks that held it in check, crying out for destruction and mayhem, without rest or reason. Sigh. How tiresome. As I turn from it to examine my surroundings, content in the knowledge that the 'voice' could not be the reason I was pulled here, something... impossible happens. I hear the 'voice' say simply:

(Y/N)'s 'Voice': "You don't really believe you'll ever be anything but their end do you? All we are is a weapon, a tool to kill and destroy, and nothing will change that."

I turn to face the 'voice', shocked. It had never, ever before said anything so coherently! That was two complete sentences; coherent thoughts, not just random cries for violence! In all my years of life this has never happened! Why now? What caused this? What does it mean? (Y/N): "How are you able to talk?! You've never spoken so clearly before; Why start now?" My questions went unanswered as the 'voice' returned to its senseless shouting. This bodes ill. However, I do not have much time to contemplate this, as I can feel my consciousness start to fade, and my gemscape starts to vanish. I am entering the stasis state of the bubble. My last thought is a terrifying one. What if the 'voice' pulled me in here, to taunt me with this new found sentience? I fade to black.

Steven POV

It took awhile, but all the gems that Iolite had bubbled were freed, and now I was on my way back to the temple, where Iolites gem currently rested. I was eager to get to know him. After all, he was interesting. Before today I had never even figured that gems could be male; I was the only one, and even then, I'm half human. We could be like brothers. But first, I'd have to teach him there is more to life than just conquest. Just like every other gem I meet... sigh

As I head back, I notice the others seem apprehensive. They're worried for my safety. If any of the other gems has a bad day and freaks out, we can contain them, minimize the damage, help them. But Iolite is so strong, so fast, and so dangerous when he gets mad, they're not sure they could stop him. Hell, I'm not entirely sure I could talk him out of hurting someone that crossed him. But I have to try. I'm not about to abandon Iolite... Hmmm, ya know, if he is really so unique by being a male, I should probably give him a nickname. You know, to separate him from any other Iolites that might come to Earth. I'll think about one on the walk over.

It's odd. How he acted towards Blue Diamond and me, after he learned who I was, and who he was when he was fighting us, could not be more different. I've seen many gems fight but you can tell they are still the same person they are when they aren't fighting. But the man that talked to me and Blue Diamond didn't seem to be the same person that attacked us. No, he was too violent and aggressive; seemingly incapable of rational thought. Then the battles over and suddenly he's just another gruff warrior. Someone that can put the lives of others so far above his own that he's willing to shatter himself to keep people safe from himself. And when he charged the Crystal Gems after the arrow barrage, he seemed... monstrous, and terrifying, not at all what we had planned. There's something going on with him, but what? I enter the temple as I ponder this question, and grab the bubble that Iolite is held in; I pop it.

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