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So guys guess who followed me on twitter last night... Greg did!!!! I literally screamed and my mom looked at my like I was insane. Anyways, here's the next chapter.. Enjoy :)


I honestly felt like a pig after scarfing down my food but who cares. Greg's going to have to like me for me, and I love my food. I'm just lucky I'm not fat, I was blessed with a great metabolism.

"Like Chinese food much?" Greg said as he tried to stifle a laugh.

"As a matter of fact I do," I stuck my tongue out at him and got up to throw my trash away.

I padded across the room and in to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I looked at the mirror, and holy shit. That was not me. My once wavy locks looked like a rats nest, my face was still shiny from the run over here, and my makeup was smeared everywhere. I looked at my hands, and sure enough I had rubbed my eyes in my sleep. I had eyeliner all over them.

I walked out of the bathroom and turned to Greg. "I'm going to run back to my dorm so I can change and make myself look semi-presentable."

"You're leaving me?" His pout melted me.

"I'll be a half hour, tops. I don't know how you can bear to look at me right now," I laughed and turned on my heel.

I made my way over to the door and reached for the handle. A hand, which I'm assuming is Greg's, stopped mine from turning the door knob and whipped me around.

"You're not leaving without a kiss," he breathed before planting his lips on mine.

I'm not gonna lie, his kisses were irresistible. Our lips moved in perfect sync, making fireworks fly. My hands made their way up to his hair and started tugging on the ends as his made their way to my butt, hoisting me up on his hips. I wrapped my legs around his hips as he pushed me against  the wall. I couldn't even wrap my mind around what was happening, but by the time that I had realized what we were heading to  I pushed Greg off of me.

He looked at me, obviously confused. "Is everything ok?"

I just smiled and pulled myself off of him, "See ya in 30," and I turned and headed out the door, leaving him wondering.

Trebled Love (A Greg Gorenc/Pitch Perfect Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now