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Hey guys.
Quick intro...
I go by $$LION$$ and I mainly wrote this story because when searching for a BNHA X NARUTO FanFiction or Wattpad book, I could not find many. I think I found like three that had enough chapters that you can read more than 30 min, but anyway I also wrote this because the three books I found had things like a harem ( I prefer one on one relationships), paired him with like Kaguya ( she technically the naruto universe god, plus I think having an actual BNHA character is better), etc
Anyway in going to go ahead and start the story.


-Musutafu, Japan-
Currently, we find one 6-year-old Izuku Yagi on his way to the quirk doctor to find out what exactly his quirk is. With him are his parents Toshinori Yagi and Inko Yagi. Walking into the doctor's room after doing tests and being called in, they sat down in the guest seats and waited for the doctor to speak.

" Izuku... there's no easy way to say this so I'll be blunt,... you...are quirk-less." The Doctor said in a kind and sorrow-filled voice trying to ease the pain.

" waa... but... I was be... a hero. I wanted... to be... a hero..." Izuku said in a nearly depressed tone."
Toshi and Inko both looked at the boy in sadness for the fact that he'll never accomplish his dream and that they have to leave so soon.

Leaving the hospital, Izuku and his family made their way towards their house to drop izuku off.
"Now izuku, are you sure you don't want to stay with the bakugos while we're away? We'll be gone for a couple of years and you're just now going on seven." Inko asked in a saddened tone.

" yea, I'll be fine... Love you, see you when you come back" izuku said in a sad tone.
"ok honey, we love you, we'll see you when we get back," inko said as he got in the limo.
" I'll see you when we get back, we love you son." Toshi said as he got in the limo as well.
Little did Izuku know that the so-called business trip was a superhero business trip since his father was the hero All Might and his mother was the hero Telekinesis.
Walking inside, Izuku locked the door behind him and went to his room.
Sitting down, Izuku thought over all that had transpired and started to cry. Throughout the tears, izuku continued to wish that he had a quirk, even if it was weak, and that his parents were here... That he wasn't... Alone.

Then a burning sensation welled up in his eyes as if they had been lit on fire.
" AHH...GZGZZG... waa... What's happening to my eyes?!?!?!" izuku yelled in pain as he jumped up and off his bed and ran to his bathroom. Looking up izuku first noticed his tear-stained face, then he saw it. His eyes, they had turned red with black things in them. " waa... What is this... My eyes what happened to them?!?!????" izuku asked himself as he stared at the red eyes with two weirdly shaped black dots in them. "They... they kinda look like the things in the yin and yang symbol. What were they called t-tomoe? I'll have to do some research" izuku said to himself as he walked back into his room and in the process, completely forgetting his troubles. After about an hour of research, he had found some interesting stuff. To start, the "tomoe eyes" as he had come to call them, were actually something called the Sharingan. An ancient and thought to be fake power. It, along with many other of these so-called dojutsu, are powered by chakra, but not the kind he's heard of. From what he can understand it was an ancient power that was used for many different things by ninja. Though now it's all just speculation and mostly fantasy that it ever even existed. It's but even very popular and there wasn't much info on it because so many people think it's just some fairy tale. Though now, he had no doubt it existed, after all, he still had the Sharingan activated and was trying to find more info on the particular dojutsu and how to turn it off. After all, he wanted to keep all this secret for now and if he walked outside someone with notice. Sure if it's just some random person they'll probably just think it's his quirk but if its someone like kacchan or even someone school, they'll know something up, after all, everyone at school knew he was just some "quirkless loser". Continuing his research for another 2 and 1/2 hours he finally found the information he was looking for, at least he hoped he did. Online he found a book called chakra and the sage of six paths, and from what he could tell it would have all the info he would need, plus more. Looking to where he could get the book he found that there was only one copy and it was ironically stored in storage at the city library down the street. Before doing anything he quickly used the knowledge he had read from the small two-paragraph summary to try and turn off the Sharingan and it thankfully worked. Rushing out of his house, but not forgetting to lock the door, he rushed down to the library and walked up to the receptionist.
" Hello, can I help you with something," a kind-looking old man asked.

" um, yeah actually I'm looking for a book" izuku said
" may I know the name of this book" the man asked with a smile
"um yeah, it's called " Chakra and the sage of six paths" izuku said with a single and a hand behind his head
The receptionist's mouth fell agape, he couldn't believe it. The book he and his ancestors had kept and passed down for generations, had finally found it's reader, but first...
" yes, I know of that book my boy but it can only be read by a certain pair of special eyes..." the man said
" you mean... The Sharingan???" izuku asked almost surprised
" yes, and you telling me that lets me know you believe in the Sharingan, and also that you possibly have it. Now to explain my family has kept that book in our family for an unbelievable amount of time and it's been passed through the generations. It's said to have been given to the first owner of the book ( first ancestor ) by the sage of six paths himself, someone I'm sure you're not familiar with, and while I know very little of the sage, I do know he existed. Follow me, we'll go get the book." The man finished
Izuku nodded dumbfounded and the eventually made it out of the public part of the library and into what looked like a personal office. Keying in, and then opening up a safe, the receptionist took out an old-looking book.
"This" the receptionist said pointing to the book " is the book, and while I'm sure you're wondering if I've read it or not, I have not. The reason is that only the famed Sharingan can read the book as if it was written with an invisible pen and the Sharingan was the magic light at the end of the pen. So without further ado, here is the book." The man said and handed over the book
Izuku took the book and just stared at it, tonite had been just one big maze of confusion and surprise. Taking the book he looked at the man and said, " are you sure?"
The man looked at Izuku and said, " yes, I'm sure. That book has been passed down through the generations and now I pass it to you. You are the heir to this book, and so, this book will continue to be passed down through your family to teach them the art of chakra and the sage of six paths. Whatever happens, through your eyes, I know I can trust you." The man said with a happy and peace like attitude.

" t-thank y-you" Izuku said with a bit of a stutter and walked out of the office, and with a wave back to the man, he made his way home.

Thanks for reading, comment for suggestions.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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