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Brief A/N

This story is a special from "Captive". It follows the events of the movie "Stampede" and, like the movie itself, it's non-canon for Captive's storyline. You will also note that birdie is not as stressed about her condition as she is in the original story.

If we want to make a vague time indication, it would happen between day 25 and 26 of birdie's captivity (so right before meeting Drake).

As this story does not adhere to canon (like all OP movies), Bonney here is officially an ADULT.

Spoilers from the One Piece movie "Stampede".


A long, silent breath left your lips as you leaned your head against the wood of the ship, right below the upper deck.

It was a bright day in the New World.

The sea was calm, for once, mild waves brushing against the keel of the Victoria Punk; calls from the seagulls echoed around the top of the masts, while the coarse laughter of the men filled the air around you.

You were sitting on the railing, eyes closed, enjoying the sun on your marked skin.

It was getting easier and easier, those days, to empty your mind enough and capture some moments of peace.

And it was terrifying.

«Slacking off, marine girl?»


Your features curled in a pout as you opened your eyes to glare at the three sneering pirates crossing the deck.

«What is it Booka? Do I have to help you with something?»

«I don't need your help!» the big man immediately scoffed, crossing his arms.

«...and I thought having a prisoner would be at least useful!» the Mohican laughed, turning to Wire «Why don't we make her clean the toilets or something?»

«SURE!» you blurted «And after that I'll do your laundry!»

«That might be and idea!» he retorted.

Wire rolled his eyes.

«Y/n, fetch new cordage from the basement.» he plainly ordered «The ropes of the second masts are pretty ruined after the last storm.»

You grimaced, carefully moving your leg to slide it down the railing, but a surge of pain ran up your womanhood and you abruptly halted your movement.

«Mmh... no.»

«No?!» the Mohican uttered «Just how impudent are y--»

«Wait. Waaait a second.» Booka sniggered, placing his hand on his comrade's shoulder and shooting a teasing glance at you «I think our little girl here can't really walk straight this morning.»

«What?» the Mohican looked at him, then back at you. His lips twitched in a crooked smirk «Ooh, I see.»

«Shut up!» you grumbled, a faint blush spreading on your cheeks «That's bullshit.»

«Prove it, then.» Booka grinned, pointing at the door «Go to the basement.»

«I don't feel like it.»

Captive special - STAMPEDE [Kid x reader]Where stories live. Discover now