chapter 17: sos (again)

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as i notice my poor cat staring behind me, i slowly turned around to see a tall, heavy built guy wearing all black in a black ski mask. 'boo' he whispers, tauntingly. without hesitating, i run to the knife box and grab the biggest one there. as i turn around holding the knife, i notice him carrying a glass vase in his left hand. the one that was on the counter. i saw the mystery man throw it at me, and the last thing i heard was the glass vase shattering against my head before everything went black.

i woke up in a dark room. i inspected my surroundings to realize that i was in my garage. i try analyzing everything that happened. the man couldn't be zach, because zach was skinny and not that tall. i hear footsteps advancing to the garage door, so i pretend to still be out. i hear the garage door open, and two men come in.

i open my eyes a crack to see zach and another guy in here. of course zach had to do with it. who else. but the real question was what did they want from me?

'why the hell is she bleeding?' zach says

'you wanted her to do anything to her, now you can. look, she's out cold.' the guy says, poking my head.

i stay still, trying to figure out their intentions.

'yeah, well she won't be out for long.' zach says. 'also i wanted you to drug her or something, not this.'

'you get what you pay for,' the guy says

paid for? did zach hire a hit on me? this freaked me the fuck out.

'still, you can do what you want to her, she's out cold and tied up,' the man says, walking too close to me. i flinched.

'wait... she's not out, she just twitched.' zach says, inching over to me. it wasn't until now that i felt the glads shards under the skin of my forehead.

'at least one of you has a brain,' i say, lifting my head. the other man smacked me, obviously offended. 'wow, i thought a man built like you would be able to throw harder than that.' i say as i look over at him, his face as red as a tomato. he walks over to me, in my face, about to say something. 'you watch your mouth.' he says, still in my face. 'wow, somebody forgot to brush their teeth today,' i said. he blows his breath into my face so i back up and head butt him with all my strength. i smile at him, tauntingly as blood drips out of his nose. i figured i'd test my chances.

i'm leaving,' he says, and does so. now it's just me and zach in the garage.

'time to explain all of this, you failed abortion.' i say, looking up to zach. 'you may wanna watch what you're saying to me.' he says looking down at me. 'just explain,' i demand. 'well, to sum it up, i wanted affection and you werent giving it to me, so i did this so we could be together finally.' he says. 'well then, forget what i said about you having a brain.' i say, laughing to myself. he punches me in the stomach, causing me to double over in pain.

'you continue this smartass energy you're giving off and worse will happen.' he says. 'okay dork,' i say, not giving a fuck. 'can't you see, i paid a guy $230 to do all this to you. doesnt that on its own show how much i love you?' he asks, looking like he's about to cry. 'yikes. imagine being that big of a pussy that you have to hire a full grown man to handle your light work,' i say, smirking.

no words, he just lifted his leg and kicked me in the stomach, causing my chair to tip over backwards. forget the pain in my stomach. my wrists that were tied in the back of the chair were being crushed and bent. 'ZACH LIFT ME BACK UP IT HURTS.' i yell. he kneels down onto me, making the pressure on my wrists even worse. 'why would i want to?' he whispers into my ear, making the weight on my wrists multiply. 'ZACH I THINK MY WRISTS ARE BROKEN!' i yell louder, hopefully grabbing the attention of my neighbors.

'oh shit, i'm sorry,' he says, lifting me back up. my hands looked crushed, bent, and bleeding. 'i'm going to take a nap, hopefully you'll be more clear minded when i'm awake.' he says; yawning. 'well at least untie me!!' my wrists hurt,' i said, and he obliged and went upstairs.

i bend over and fall out of my chair, my legs still tied up. they did a bad job tying me up, but no complaints heard from me. i crawled to the tool kit and grabbed the scissors to untie my legs. when i finished, i tried to stand up, but then the pain kicked in. i fell down due to major pains in my legs. i look in the corner to see a bloody baseball bat, then that's when i notice my legs were bleeding. they must have bashed my legs while i was unconscious. i fell onto my broken wrists, thus tripling the pain. i laid on the floor, feeling helpless.

i then hear my phone ring. it was a facetime request from alejandro. thank. fucking. god. i crawled over to the phone, in immense pain, and answered.

'we have to go to school soon, it's getting late.' he says. i check the time, and it's 8:50. i accidentally reveal my face.

'atlas, oh my god your face! where are you?' he asks, getting up from the spot on his bed.

'i cant stay for long but zach has me trapped in the garage,' i say as i hear footsteps coming to the garage, so i say 'oh shoot he's coming, gotta go,' without giving him any time to respond.

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