Confessions and Parting Ways?

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Miah's POV
After the incident in Mexico, we set a course to Robo hands layer up north. Since the boat had a bedroom, I was exhausted from the fighting I did so I decided to take a bit of a break.

I sat on the bed thinking about all that's happened. From me showing Lance my awesome gadget, training with Walter, and me and Walter getting into Lance's situation. And now here we are, on a boat to go up north, to find robo hand and defeat his plan to use the drone.

It was all overwhelming, stressful and fun at the same time. And my feelings for Walter at this point have officially been set. I like Walter Beckett. I like him for his true, nerdy, cute self. I like that he's passionate about keeping the world safe, I like that he makes me feel happy when I'm around. When he enters a room my heart skips a beat, when he hugs me or compliments me, I get butterflies. He makes me feel special like no one else. I like him very much.

But god forbid I tell him, it'll probably ruin our friendship. Too many thoughts ran through my mind. I got up and sat by the window as I looked out the view.

Suddenly I heard the door open. I turn to see it was Walter.

"Hey just wanted to see where you were. You ok?" He asked me.

He looked at me with those blue eyes that made it hard for me to even speak. Was I ok? Let's be real. Yes and no. Yes because I was excited to defeat this guy and confess my feelings. No because I was going through all this stress.

"Can I be honest with you? Yes and no" I said to him as I sighed and sat on the bed. He sat next to me.

"What's going on?" He asked me in concern.

"Well it's just all this crazy things that have happened to us. Lance turning into a pigeon, us defeating half the agency, going to Mexico, and now being here, it's all overwhelming. And the other half being something else" I said as I looked down.

"What's something else?" He asked me. "Um nothing, I've said too much" I said as I rushed to get up, Walter grabbed my arm and turned me around quickly which caused his arm to wrap quickly around my waist.

Now we were inches away from our faces and I breathed heavily as he looked at me.

"Tell me what you meant by something else" he whispered.

I took a deep breath. It was now or never.

"Walter, I like you ok? I really like you. Your sweet, intelligent, handsome, nerdy and funny and my type of guy. I can talk to you about anything and you'll be there for me. And I like you" I said to him.

"I want you to know something Miah. The minute you call, I'll be there for you in a hurry. No matter how far it could be to the stars, I'll be there don't you worry. And I damn it Miah, I like you too. I really do. I like how badass you are and I love that you're up for an adventure any day. I love how incrediblely sexy you are when you where anything, whether it's your spy suit or your bikini, you look good any day. I like you so much Miah Falls" he said as he had a brim of tears.

I smiled as I accepted that he liked me. After a while we just stood there as Walter still had his arm around my waist as we looked at each other.

"So what now?" I whispered.

"Well, If you mind I wanna get something" he said.

"Ok" I nodded.

He slowly leaned in and I did the same. Soon enough, my lips touched his and we kissed. It was nice and slow. Our lips moved in sync and his arms pulled in more and I put my hands in his smooth curly brown hair and i smiled into the kiss. So did Walter.

Soon then, we pulled away. I smiled at Walter and he smiled back.

"Do you wanna give us a shot Miah?" He asked me.

"If it means I get to experience that everyday, I'd love to" I said as I pecked his lips again.

"Wow. I have a girlfriend now. I promised I'll treat you the best Miah" he said as he kissed my forehead and we laid on the bed together with him cuddling me and my head being in the crook of his neck.

We pretty soon arrived at our destination and had to take a submarine to get to his layer. Walter has finally fixed up the antidote to turn Lance back and Lance drank it. Pretty soon, he transformed back into his normal human self.

Soon as Lance changed into his suit, we arrived at the layer and Lance wouldn't let us leave.

"This is my fight guys. I'm going on this one alone" Lance said .

"No Lance. You need backup just Incase things go south" Walter said.

"No, I gotta do this by myself. I don't need help. I fly solo" Lance said he closed the submarine and we drifted from him.

Walter and I sat in the submarine.

"Why would he do this? We helped him through everything and he's over here saying he doesn't need backup. I don't care. Lance is our friend and he abandoned us like we're nothing" Walter said upset.

"Walter let's face it. Robo hand is stronger than us. And we're just kids. It's not like we can do anything about it. We just respect Lance's wishes and let him finish this" I said to him.

"Miah, were not just kids. We are incrediblely talented and brilliant young adults who can do incredible things. You're the second greatest female spy I've ever met. We can both make gadget but you're one of the worlds best gadget makers in the agency. We need to go back and help Lance" he said to me.

I nodded stating he was right. We headed back to help Lance and then all the sudden, our little submarine blew up because of one of the drones. But Walter had the infallible hug.

Thank you Walter Beckett.

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