''Smartie Pants''

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    Chapter 1

I still remember my first Student Of The Month Award.                 

 That was the day of my 1st grade year. Everyone was talking about me. Most of them were rolling in jealousy and the other half praised me. I’ve never expected to have that attention. This award was for the older kids not a dopey 7 year old. My parents weren’t that surprised, I was born to be just like them ‘’in their eyes’’. I  always believed that  I earned the award  myself,I study harder than most kids and  I was way  above 1st grade level. The problem with my award was that this was the beginning for to everything.

After that  my parents took me out of my childhood school, and into a new one they thought was way more challenging for my brain. While other kids were living a childish life:I went on completing  school spelling bee’s, special lessons with my new tutor Bell, reading books above my lexile, reciting Shakespeare on normal basis, spending whole summers at MATH CAMP and basically not living. What a amazing life for genius! Eh?  My mom always told me that I had an amazing gift and should be proud of myself. Yeah, living the          life as a robot is something to be proud of.

The room feels sticky. I feel so irritable. This room  always made me feel so claustrophobic.I’m in Bell’s living room reviewing my Algebra Unite 1.The equation was y+5=12. You need  to keep in mind that that it needs to to be balanced on the side of the equal sign.  This     means you have to the left member, you have to do it to the right. So, to isolate y and solve.the equation, I must ‘’move’’ the variable over. Problems like these are absolutely easy, because with math there is always just a equation. In the end there's always an answer. I wish everything else was as easy as math. Problems solved quick and simple. ‘’How you doing sweetie? I brought you some lemonade.’’ Bell says, entering with two cups of lemonade in her hands. ‘’So simple Bell, I need something way more difficult, this is kindergarten.’’ I said, not trying to sound cocky. ‘’My you know you're only in 14 right? Your doing sophomore advanced math darling!’’ Bell said grinning.  I shrugged and went back to my algebra.

  I watched Bell sit down at the couch right next to me. After I finished some problems,  I drank some lemonade. Not too sweet. I finished couple minutes later. ‘’ I’m done Bell’’ I said trying to wake her from her slumber. I started poking her. ‘’Oh sorry!! Have you finished? Here I’ll drive you home!!’’ Bell said jumping up. ‘’Where’s my keys?’’Bell said searching. ‘’I got them’’I said trying to calm her down.

The next day was a huge blur. My head was spinning rapidly. Before my Language Arts class, the principal called me down, on the announcement. I was shocked and so was the rest of my homeroom. Did Miss Little Goody Two Shoes actually do something? This would be a lot different if I was someone else. If I was someone else everyone would be all ‘’owwww’’ at me and laughing. Because they all know for a fact that a hug GG like myself doesn't get called down to the principle. The only reason this could actually happen is if the earth was off its axis. Abigail Ross is on the Dean List for heavens sake. Even the teachers look a little confused. I don’t like this one bit. Was I framed? Probably by Blair and her evil minions. I know that sounds insane but I wouldn’t count it out already.   She’s always had it out for me ever since prey-k, and it didn’t help when I became the genius. Wait! What did she tell Mr. Kong? He should know that I would never do anything that bad. RIGHT? Whatever it is I always have an alibi. The Librarian. I’ve been in the library for the past weeks researching for my Social Studies exam.

As I entered his office. my hand was shaking so badly that I couldn’t open the door. My hand felt weirdly sweaty. I tried to control myself. Nothing bad was going to happen, I told myself over and over again in my head. I got in control and grabbed the knob and twisted. I was barley in the the office when I Mr.- Kong began  to speak. ‘’Ms. Ross come in sit down, relax’’  He was a short man almost my height, very big. Sitting in a huge office chair that made him look way more bigger. His hands were pierced together on the table. With a serious face on. He looked like he had a bushy hamster on his face, that was a little gray. He had some hair like a regular middle aged men. A comb over, that looked like he was trying way too hard. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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