1. Weird Got Weirder.

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AGAIN, THE TEACHER DRAGGED ME OUT. Introductions? My name is Alex Wilfer. I am constantly getting in trouble because I'm dyslexic. But, not always that. Sometimes I zone out in classes and that gets me in trouble, too. Some more stuff but I don't want to break the fourth wall too much by rambling, so let's get back on track.

I don't really know what I did, but apparently I did something. I didn't zone out, so that's good.

Finally, we stopped.

"Do you know what you did, Mr.Wilfer?" Mr. Isaac asked.

"No, sir." I responded.

"Well," His voice softened up a bit, but he still sounded stern. "You couldn't read the paragraph. You can't keep lying about being dsylexic to get out of your problems."

"But I'm not lying!" I complained instantly.

"Alex, I understand your nervous-"

"I'm not."

"-but you have to try. We might need to contact your mother-"

I glared at him.

"-I mean your father."

Fun fact, my mother died in a robbery from greedy criminals. Mr. Isaac and Mr. Grace always get it wrong. Another fun fact, Mr. Isaac is nicer about it.

"But I'm not lying!" I repeated. "Test me or whatever and you'll see I'm not lying."

"Mr.Wilfer," He started. "Just accept that your not dsylexic. Heck, I'll even give you an A+ or something if you just read this!"

He handed me a slip of paper that seemed to say something like this:


Which is exactly what I told him, making his frown deepen.

"Mr.Wilfer, if you just told the truth, you could easily pass the grade quicker." Mr. Issac pointed out.

"I'm dsylexic-" I started, but he waved it away.

"Let us just continue with the class, it's almost time to go anyway. I expected better from you, Alex" Mr.Isaac said hurriedly.

As Mr. Isaac went back, I noticed he gripped something tightly in his hand. It seemed sharp from what I could tell.

I quickly followed him back. I sat in my usual seat next to my best friend, and only friend.

I'll introduce him to you. Casper Treck. Amazing friend who is also quite nerdy. For some reason, his two favorite things are food and the moon. I once even caught him trying to catch it.

"Time?" I mumbled to him.

"3:24 PM. Just 6 more minutes. Hang in there." He responded.

Okay, so Casper might not be dsylexic, but he is definitely ADHD. He wouldn't stop fidgeting or constantly tapping his leg. Plus, he seemed winded. Like he just got here, which I know he hadn't because we walked to class together-

Mr. Isaac was speaking.

"-For this is your reading class, and I expect the best from each of you. I do not accept-"

3:36 PM.

"-Bad behavior, for I know you can do better. I also do not allow lying. It is a common thing people do-"

3:38 PM.

"-To get out of something or get someone in trouble. I hope you all love reading as much as I do, because-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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