Chapter 6

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Arnav Singh Raizada looked like he was posing for the cover page of GQ. He was dressed formally in a charcoal grey three-piece business suit with an immaculately white dress shirt. His tie was light grey with black lines criss-crossing in diamond shape patterns. His back combed hair looked like it was set with gel, completing his business tycoon look.

'What .....what are you doing here?' Khushi was flustered.

'I knew you had an appointment with Manav this morning.' He took off his aviator sunglasses and stared at her coolly, 'I thought we should talk.'

'And Dr.Manav just jumped up and left so he could accommodate your whim.' she said bitterly.

'Well, don't blame him. I have some influence around here.' He said smugly.

'Yeah I know. He told me how you funded this clinic for him.' Khushi drew a breath. 'That was very charitable of you. But, someone should have told you that charity begins at home.'

'Exactly.' He agreed to her surprise. 'That is what I wanted to discuss with you.' He moved to the desk and sat on the edge of it, looking smooth and relaxed.

'Are you telling me that you are going to allow Payal to see Akash?' she asked directly.

'Of course not.' he said.

'Then, what else there to talk about?' she walked past him to the door.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you, Khushi.' His menacing voice stopped her in her tracks. 'I am not done talking here.'

Khushi felt her mouth dry up and heart beating erratically at the tone. She looked at him lounging there, totally in control of the situation, and anger shook her voice.

'I don't want to talk unless you change your attitude toward Payal.'

'Where is she right now?' he drawled.

'At the hotel.' Khushi looked at her watch again. 'And she will be wondering where I am.'

His mouth twisted, 'I am sure she would have found some entertainment.'

'What is that supposed to mean?'

'You know I saw her dancing last night.' He sneered. 'She was so .....uninhibited.'

'Then your brother must have been a good teacher,' she returned. She smiled inwardly as she saw his lips tighten.

She continued, 'I am just curious to know how your brother turned out to be working with the groom, as a low level employee? It seems an odd way for a future millionaire to earn a living.'

'You think a man's inheritance should be handed to him on a plate ---- without any hard work or responsibility from his side?' His voice was suddenly harsh. He shook his head. 'No, Akash will work, in every branch of our business undertakings, and at every level, from the lowliest menial job to top administration.' He paused. 'Good management skills comes from actual work experience, not just a degree.'

'And I suppose you have a lot of it.' It nettled her that what he had said made so much sense; that he had thought of making Akash a more responsible person instead of allowing him to become a useless rich brat like many rich people tend to do.

Khushi couldn't imagine Arnav Singh Raizada doing menial jobs he had mentioned above. But from what Dr Manav had told her earlier, he had erected his company from scratch.

She said, 'And Anjaliji ---- did she also have to work?'

'No. In our families, it is different for a woman.'

Not where I come from, thought Khushi wistfully.

Aloud, she said, 'And I suppose her marriage was arranged as well? Did she at least have a say in that? Or did you interfere in her life telling her who she should spend her entire life with?'

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