Chapter One

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So I wanted to start another story for the anniversary of Forbidden (which you should check out ;) ). Anyway, I started this manxman story and it'll possibly be short I just don't to leave it there all unupdated (I hate that). So I'm posting this to get it out there but I hope to post a lot over next week. Here is a nice first starting chapter. Enjoy and thank you for all the beautiful reads on Forbidden.

Pic of Hunter Davis


I slam the door to my apartment close and quickly turn the lock. I need to haul ass to my first (and only class) at Stanford. It was Med 101 and it's probably full of freshmen.

Technically I should have finished this my very first year but the Professor didn't like me and decided to fail me. Correction, the chick doing the professor didn't like me which caused me to fail. She was just upset that I wasn't turned on by her. Even if I was straight I wouldn't fathom being with her. She smelled...used. Anyway, since I overslept I have to rush to my freshman class with a new professor. I bounce impatiently waiting for the elevator. My breakfast bagel was between my teeth as I shove my keys and jacket in my Swiss Army. When the elevator dings I toss my shoes in and hop in. I duck when my shoe came hurling back at me and out the elevator.

"Excuse me!" I shout.

"You're excused!" My best friend of 4 years smiles innocently. Well there goes lefty.

"I needed that." I speak around my bagel as I zip my bookbag closed. When I was granted silence I look at her big blue eyes. She's looking at me with this 'I don't care' look. Of course.

"Damnit Bella." I groan and sling my backpack on my shoulders and grasp my slobbery bagel from my lips.

"So I hear your professor is hot." She stated with a disgusted look toward my bagel.

"Great that's all I need! Now another girl is going to try to get with me and when I don't respond they'll sleep with the teacher and then I'll fail...AGAIN!" I bang my head on the shiny reflection of the bronze elevator. It glided down smoothly with the crappy generic music humming in the background.

"That only happened twice, Hunter. I'm pretty sure you'll make it through. It is your last year, what could go wrong?"

"Everything!" I look at her with a 'duh' look.

"Maybe you should be the one that gets in with the professor then." She smirked wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and hustle out of the metal box and through the lobby. I feel Isabella right on my heels.

"Oh come on Hunt! You know that's the basis of all your wet dreams." She cooed making very sexual noises after her statement. I whipped around to her and growled.

"I told you that in confidence." I unlock the door to my 2012 cobalt blue Mustang. Across the hood was the legendary two black stripes that completed the whole body of this car. I adore this car. It was the first car I ever bought and it has been my first child. Regular check-ups, oil changes, and air-filled tired to only name a few. I've been saving since my first high school job for my own car and I don't plan to let it go anytime soon. I toss my black bookbag in the front and walk around to the trunk. I grab the pair of classic converse I keep and slip them on.

"It's just a matter of time before it happens and you won't know what to do. I guess your only choice is to come to me for advice." Showing her pearly whites, Isabella flicks her hair off her squared shoulders confidently. I huff and slam my trunk close and slip into the driver's side. Leave it to Bell to make me uncomfortable in my own skin. I load up my engine and speed out of the parking lot shooting the finger to Bell as I do. I met the tall curvy brunette during my freshman year at Stanford. I was so excited to have gotten into the private college that it showed. She told me to keep my hair on and to wipe that dumbass smile off my face. I just smiled wider in hopes to make a new friend. She was gorgeous. Her naturally wavy brown locks reached just past her shoulders and D sized bust. She got her slim waist, thick hips, and tan skin from her Latina mom and her dry humor, blue eyes, and bad eyesight from her white father. It was a beautiful, smart offspring who aspired to be a pediatrician. She adores kids especially since her mother could no longer have kids after her. That was a rough time for all of them. However she worked her way through college and has only two more years to go until she's certified. She also already had a job waiting for her when she does.

I, on the other hand, was a loser in my prime. I was a smart, smug bastard and I knew, everyone else knew and I didn't care. I managed to get through elementary and middle by the tragic age of thirteen but I decided to wait until I was the appropriate age before starting high school. I'll admit it, I was terrified. I was 5'4 and scrawny with pale skin and a bush of brown curls. To add fuel to the fire I was gay. Can't you just see the horrific events?

My mother understood (if not felt) my fears and decided that during my time off we would travel the world. She had some money stored away from the divorce from my third step dad and she was saving it for travel when I went off to college. My mother didn't like being alone and was always looking for love. She continuosly tells me how I'm the best thing to ever happen to her and I believed it. After I was born, for the next five years she wasn't alone. That is until I went to pre-K and the rest of grade school. I was definitely a breath of fresh air but being as smart as I was, my mother knew I wasn't staying with her long. She knew she needed to prepare herself for my absence because I had bigger shoes to fill. My biological father died when I was three and at that moment, I think that's when my mother really lost her mind. She's probably somewhere back in France looking for husband number five right now.

During my trip overseas, I grew. My ugly 5'4 blossomed into a 5'10 and I tanned beautifully in the Mediterranean. My brown curls have been stained by the sun and streaks of a vibrant blond are highlighted throughout my golden tuffs. Mother says my father's genes finally kicked in. I didn't care what happened, I'm just glad I didn't look weak. I started going to the gym (as tiring as that is) for the whole trip. Now that I'm in college, not so much. I mean there's a gym on campus but man...I've been so busy. Luckily my metabolism is high because that freshmen 15 might have killed me. I ate like a beast. Regardless of that dreadful year, I'm toned enough to be cocky and confident and proud. I eat like grass and pears now anyway.

I quickly whip my sport car in the space closest to the building and yank my bag from it's comfortable seat next to me and race through the building. I shove some people out of the way and jump a few shoe-tiers. I slide in the door right before the professor closes it. I smile sweetly at him but it quickly faded and I gape at the man. Man was an understatement, he was a God. He was towering over my new height and his light brown eyes bared into my soul. I straightened up remembering other students were in the room. I snapped my jaw shut and nod at him before turning on my heels stalking to a seat.

"Excuse me, Mr...?" His deep baritone voice washed over me and I shivered as I sat down.

"Davis. Look I'm sorry it won't happen again." I mumble studying all the new faces. They radiated freshman.

"Ah...Mr. Hunter Davis...a senior. What ever are you doing in my class?" he questioned looking up from the roster list.

"Well, my first two teacher's were screwing one of their students who had previously tried to screw me." I shrug. Some girls squealed and looked expectantly at their Professor. Some of them even looked at me.

"What does that have to do with you in my class?" He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Well the females had their 'lovers' fail me. So please, if you decided to give 'extra credit' can you check we me first to make sure there isn't any dirt. Thanks." I smirk at him.

"Will do, Mr. Davis. Last time, ok?"

"Yes sir." I salute. He began to pass out this semesters syllabus. While he passed out the papers I studied this beautiful specimen. He had to be around 6'6 or so. His medium length dark brown hair was combed back and tucked behind his ears. It looked soft enough to just run my fingers through and tug. I moved to his wide muscular shoulders and a slim waist. He had a very lickable swimmers body. He wore a tight baby blue dress shirt with a black skinny tie. The shirt was fitted to only give a sneak-peak of the delicious bread roll abs under it. His slacks, however, gave nothing to the imagination as they outlined his tree trunk thighs and cute little tushy. I just wanted to squeeze it as I climb him like a tree.

"Eyes up, Mr. Davis." He spoke up, dragging me out of my wayward thoughts. I look up at his seas of chocolate. "Let's pass my class with flying colors." He smirked. The corner of my lips twitched as I took the paper from him.

Well, I guess I won't be passing this semester either.


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