Chapter 16

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"Unnie! Faster or i will be late" Yeri knocks seulgi bedroom door and rushed to the dining room

"Yeri, here eat it in the car" wendy pass the bread and a small box of milk to yeri before both of them leave the dining room. Irene look at them weirdly

Suddenly, seulgi run beside her and stop in the mid way

"Unnie! Joy is got a fever and me and wendy still have a mission so please take care of her, thank you good bye" seulgi said and leave the living room to the car

Irene glance at her wrist

"They have 1 and half hour before the school start so why they need to rush"

Irene walk to joy room, she bite her lower lips before knocks the door. After a few knocks irene open joy door

"Joy..." Irene look at joy who is still in her deep slumber. Irene sit beside joy bed and put her back hand on joy forehead

"Joy, hey joy...wake up you are burning" irene try to wake joy who is still sleeping, hey face and eyes is puffy and her corner lips is still purple

Joy just move a bit and continue sleeping, her eyes is to heavy to open and she feel very dizzy, she barely can open her mouth and her throat is hurt, she can feel her muscle feel very sore

Irene walk to joy bathroom and back with a small basin of warm water and a towel, she pulled joy blanket a side and start to wipe joy body slowly, sometime joy will move a bit but still barely awake

"I'm sorry" irene whispered and pulled joy bang aside and cares joy burning red face

After making a porridge, irene walk to joy room again, she put the tray on the small table beside joy bed

"Joy,....hey joy wake up" irene slowly patted joy shoulder and try to wake her, slowly joy open her eyes and look at irene

"Erm, what's time now" joy asked and slowly sit, her head is still dizzy and thanks to irene who help her to rest her back at the headboard

"Already 10" irene answered, she pulled joy messy hair aside

"Can i take a bath first?" Joy asked still not looking at irene eyes

"Let me prepare the water first" irene said and leave joy alone without waiting for joy answer

After a few minutes irene back, she saw how struggle joy to walk to her walk in closet

"Argh" joy almost fall but luckily irene catch her hips and put her arm around Irene neck, both of them walk to the closet together, joy take her gray hoodie with sweat pants before take her bath

After take her bath, irene help joy dry and comb her hair, when joy took her bath irene clean joy room, actually she just do a minor thing like open the curtain and tidy her bed because joy's room always clean

"Come here, you need to eat" irene help joy walk to her bed

Joy face is pale like a ghost make irene really worry about her

"I'm not hungry" joy said in husky and cracking voice,

"But you need to eat, so after this you can take the medicine" irene smile at joy, actually that was guilty smile. Everytime she look at joy face she will saw joy bruise that remind what she had done to her sister

"Let me feed you" irene hold the bowl and ready to feed joy

Joy open her mouth slowly, the bruise make her hard to open her mouth

"I'm sorry...i'm really sorry" irene said while looking at the porridge, she feel really guilty, her eyes is teary because she really feel bad to joy

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