Chapter 1 Cold Welcoming

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Chapter 1, Cold Welcoming

"YELLOW!!!" she heard calling for her in a familiar voice, "Blue?!" Yellow called in panic, Could something have happened to her? Did she fall? Maybe she chipped her gem?! What else would have her calling like that?
Loud steps quickly approached Yellows door,
"YELLOW!!!" Blue shouted once more " What's the matter? Are you hurt?" Yellow said grabbing Blue's shoulders "No silly! She's here!" " Blue, who's here-" Yellow was cut off "The fourth Diamond!" Blue opened her hand to reveal an oddly small Pink gem small enough to fit in the palm of her hand, what a disgrace, Yellow stared at the small gem for a moment before blinking a couple times, "I don't get it..." She said in a flat tone before looking back at Blue, "She's the newest Diamond, We've been waiting for her for ages" Blue said excitingly, "We waited so long for this!? She's defective. We should just start all over again" Yellow said while pitching the bridge of her nose, "Hey! I'm right here ya'know!!! I can hear you!" The small Pink gem said while waving her arms in the air "Eee! Lets go Pink, this will be so much fun!"

Blue left with pink to show her around Homeworld, Yellow stayed in her work station, she had no interest in that defective runt, there was just to much wrong with her, she wasn't Red, she took to long, not only that, she was far to small, she should have at least been as tall as Blue!, But for some reason, Blue adored her...

Days went by, not a word from Yellow, she stayed in her work station and showed no signs of leaving anytime soon, she didn't even do her random call to Blue like normal, Blue hardly noticed, she was to distracted by Pink Diamond,
"Oh Pink! Your so much fun!" Blue laughed "Hehe! So are you! Let's play more hide and seek!!!" Pink ran off to go hide, she
she found herself at Yellows door, she barely remembers being in there, she slides in quietly hiding under Yellow's desk, it felt like hours went by before Blue walked in, Yellow jumped when Blue entered the room, still not noticing Pink under her desk, "Oh! Blue?! What are you doing here? Aren't you busy entertaining that small Diamond?"
"Well, I was... We were playing and... Well, I lost her" Blue said ending the sentence quickly, looking down
"Oh... I'm guessing you're here because you need help finding her, huh?" Yellow seemed unenthusiastic about searching for Pink, "uh, Yes.. That would be helpful, Thank you Yellow" "It would be easier to find her if she were full sized, she's just too small" Yellow made a good point, but it was one that didn't need to be said out loud
Pink jumped out from under the desk "Hey! I may be small but I can still hear you! That was rude!" Yellow seemed shocked to see her, but not regretful of what she said, "Yellow, that was quite rude of you to have said." Blue said looking rather disappoint, "What! No what's rude is intruding my work station! She shouldn't have even been in here!" Yellow defended herself, "I was just playing! I didn't know you'd be mad at me for it! And if we're talking about what's rude, why do you look at so many pictures of Blue? Isn't it rude to stare?" If she was going down, she's causing trouble when she did, Oh. That. Brat!
"Wha- I- uh-" Yellow stammered trying to come up with an excuse that wasn't confessing her feelings towards Blue, "oh Pink, Yellow and I have known each other for a long time, she was probably just going through some old photos, Right Yellow?" " Yes, I was, and maybe you shouldn't be so nosey and mind your own business" Pink scoffed at Yellow before rolling her eyes, she extended her arms to Blue motioning for her to pick her up, Blue leaned down to grab her, "Come here little one" Pink was so small Blue just set her on her shoulder "Well, Thank you again Yellow, I'll see you another time" She barely gave Yellow time to respond before she left, Yellow was alone again
Having already finished her work, Yellow had nothing else to do, napping wouldn't be a bad idea, Blue won't be back until she looses Pink again.
Yellow sat down in her throne, closing her eyes she drifted off to sleep with one thing on her mind, the fact that with that little brat around she'll never be able to make a move on Blue.

"Pink, don't go in there, that's Yellows work station, leave her alone, she obviously doesn't want to be bothered, she hasn't left there in a week..." Blue said grabbing Pink and picking her up,
"But Blueeee!, I just wanna play with her too! Why doesn't she play like you?" Pink whined while trying to wiggle out of Blue's hold "She just....." Blue signs "She has work, she rarely comes out of there, she will stay there months of she wants" Blue sets Pink back down, "uhggggggg Fine, I'll just go find some gems to play with" Pink ran off down the hall, Blue stood there in front of Yellow's door for a long moment before reaching her hand towards it "Maybe something happened to her.... Or she just wants to be alone.." Blue thinks to herself while resting her hand on the handle, She closes her eyes a moment and opens them back and pushes the doors open, there she sees Yellow laying back in her throne, snoring.
Blue's eyes widen, Yellow never sleeps during work hours, why would she now?
She walks over to get a good look at her, Yep, she's asleep, She then glances over to one of the many screens in front of her, she had 287 notifications, how long has she been asleep? She leans over placing her hand on Yellows cheek whispering in her ear "Yellow~ it's time to wake up silly" Yellow's eyes flutter open looking around then catching on Blue, she jumps looking like a kid caught skipping school, "Blue! Uhh-um-I was- err-" Blue interrupted her excuse "I know what you where doing, You just wanted a brake" Yellow darted her eyes to the side then sighed "Yeah, what are you doing in here anyway?" Her face glew a bright orange color when she realized Blue was still slightly leaned over her "It had just been awhile sense I heard from you, I was starting to worry" Blue said with concern in her eyes
"Oh, I must have slept longer then intended, Please don't tell White.." Blue chuckled lightly covering her mouth, "Of course I won't, I would be in trouble as well for letting you sleep" she stepped towards the door saying "Oh Yellow, we have to see White tonight"
After she left the room Yellow smiled softly placing her hand on her cheek where Blue's hand was,
Pink popped up from the side of Yellow's throne "Whatcha doin Yellow?"
"What the hell!" She glared down at Pink " I thought we discussed this before, you are by no means aloud       in here!" Pink rolled her eyes saying "That still didn't answer my question, Why did you smile like that?" Yellow scoffed " none of your business, now leave" Pink already knows why, she's not that ignorant "Ohhhhhhh, I know! You like her, dontcha?" She said teasing her "Wh-Uhg, that's absurd! Now get out you little brat!" Pink smiled at her frustration, she rather enjoyed pissing her off, "Hmmmm, No! Whatcha gonna do about it? Huhhh?" Yellow reached towards Pink grabbing hold of her, carrying her to Blue's chambers "Put me down!!! Let goooooo!" Pink whined the whole way there Yellow walked right in, not knocking, barging in the room, the room was in various shades of Blue, curtains draped down the walls, with a large bed for for a green place neatly inbetween two doors  "Blue!" She hollered out, but no response, she hasn't been in here in a long time, Yellow walked through one of two doors, pushing the door open she saw Blue in a bath full of bubbles.
Blue sprang up when the door was opened seeing it was Yellow she quickly covered herself with her arms "Yellow! What ar- Pink?! What is the meaning of this?" Yellows face was Glowing, she could barely  speak, "Uh-gh-i- It- Pink wouldn't l-let me work!" She quickly set Pink down and left the room, closing the door behind herself.
She pressed her back against the door, eyes wide breathing heavily, she almost completely forgot she was mad at Pink, She left off to her chambers to get ready for her meeting with Blue and White.

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