Recovering sexual assault victim, Paisley Evans, must contend with not only the haunted memories of her not-so-long-ago past but, the wreckage of her family's pitfall. Lies. Infideli...
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I woke up first around nine-thirty, her head still laying on my chest and her hair tickling my shoulder when my chest would rise and fall with each breath.
She's so beautiful.
Hearing her agree to be my official girlfriend... I don't know how to begin to explain how happy I was in that moment or even right now.
I don't know have a long list of past relationships for more reason than just one, but I know with a shadow of a doubt that I've never once felt this way before. Even bruised and sore, it's like the pain's been numbed when I have Paisley with me, as cheesy as that sounds.
Having Ty and Pey with us makes me think of us as our own sort of little family already. It's so early on in nott only our newly established relationship but our lives to even be thinking about kids, but I can see myself with her.
I can see our futures together and I hope she can see it too.
Rubbing circles into her leg that's slung over mine dangerously close to my buddy that's excited she's in bed with me too, I kiss her head and try not to wake her.
Her room's neat for the most part with a few things thrown onto her desk and some clothes on the floor. It feels airy and light in here with the sunlight peeking through the curtains.
Paisley shifts, rolling out of my arms to stretch out. She makes this funny face as she reaches up with her arms and points her toes straight while letting out a yawn. I laugh and roll onto her, hugging her torso and showering her face in kisses.
She laughs too and tries pushing my head away. "Stopppppp" she continues laughing.
"Good morningggg" I drag out between kisses.
Her hands come up to hold my face and I pout playfully, and she rolls her eyes with a smile. "Morning" she kisses me on the lips briefly and stretches some more.
I can't help but stare at her in awe. She has this double chin going on as she stretches that's so unfiltered and adorable. I adjust myself between her legs and she wraps them around me with her feet locked just above my butt.
"Are the kids up?" she questions rubbing her eyes.
"No clue," I say shortly still watching her. She must feel my eyes on her 'cause she opens one eye to look at me and asks, "What?"
Smiling, I shake my head. "Nothing."
Paisley yawns again and grumbles, "I hate mornings."
Chuckling I pucker my lips for another kiss, and she does a half crunch to meet me the rest of the way.
I lay my head on her chest, her heartbeat pounding strong in my ear. I feel so content in this moment. Like I almost feel invincible, like nothing could bring me down.
From where we've come from to now is crazy! So much has happened in such a short amount of time that I still have a hard time believing it all happened. I'm so glad Paisley was the one to find Pey that afternoon. It really was only the start.