•Chapter 9•

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     You were running, why? Running for Michael of course. At the sirens appeared closer and closer every step you took felt like a million miles away, you ran and ran as fast as you could, and you finally made it. Sprinting into the house and yelling out for him, you heard loud footsteps running down the stairs and looked up. Of course it was Michael. "Michael, the police are coming please get out of here! I don't want you to get caught! Please Michael, please!" But to your dismay he didn't follow, he just stood there, watching, listening. "..Michael?" you whispered quietly as Michael picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. "M-Michael..!?" you tried to wiggle out of his strong grasp but, hey it's Michael Myers so that's not happening any time soon. He started to walk out of the house, and into the forest. Who knows where he's taking you.


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