{Chapter 6}

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Your P.O.V.

"Good morning, (y/n)."

I opened my eyes to see Mandy staring at me with smile.

"Come on, we must go."
"To uglydolls. We'll hide you there."
"Why I can't stay here?"
"I must go to class."
"Class? Why I can't go with you?"
"Lou is teacher, he'll recognize you easily."
"And can't I just go out to check it around here?"
"I think you can, but be careful."
"Don't worry about me."

We stood before her house, we said our last goodbyes and she ran off. I was excited to see what I can find here. I went through so many alleys, but I found only one thing. Perfect houses in perfect lines, it started to be boring. I was going with my head looking down at my feet,until I pumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention."
"I-it's okay, sorry I must go now."

It was a boy with brown hair and green and violet eyes, he had something on neck. I looked on him, I was confused. Did something was chasing him, no, he told me he was late. But for what, maybe class? Yeah maybe that. I followed him, his way leads me to big place something like square. In the corner there was class, I saw there Mandy and uglydolls. On the front of the class was a doll with blonde hair.

Lou's P.O.V.

I was teaching class as everyday, but with those uglydolls-ugh. It was kinda fun make them fail every test. I was talking about how to stay clean when child is playing with you, when Nolan came. He was late third time this week. His hair was mess and he was panting heavily.

"Nolan. You're late. Again."
"I'm s-sorry. I-it won't h-happen again."
"I hope."

I looked away from Nolan and saw on square a doll. She had (h/l) (h/c) and she didn't have one arm, what a imperfection. Is she here with uglydolls? I told my class their work and went to leader of robots.

"Find more about that female doll on square."

He saluted and went away with another two robots. I have to find out who's she, even though I saw her yesterday with Mandy.

~time skip~

I ended class for today, I was slowly walking home, when spy girls stopped me.

"Hey girls, do you have anything for me?"
"Well only that everything is perfect as you."

Said Kitty, I looked on her with my serious look.

"Now for real. I've seen a girl doll, I would like to have more informations about her, robots didn't give me anything."
"Don't worry Lou, we'll find out who she is."

Said Lydia, I smiled at them and go to my house.

Your P.O.V.

I was walking nex to the big wall, wonder why is it there, until my eyes met similar building. It was shed where uglydolls where living, I went inside there were uglydolls tired to dead.

"Hey, what happened?"

Ugly dog looked at me with his eye closed and said.

"Stupid class."

His face fell down on pillow.

"Stupid Lou."

Said Ugly dog again. I gave him little giggle and sat between him and Moxy. I gently rubbed him behind his ear, his tail started wagging. His tail slowly stopped wagging and he started snoring a little bit. I smiled and stood up. Everyone was asleep, they were cute. I went outside, I decided it's enough for tady and I'll go back to Mandy. It was late night, stars starting to show up it was beautiful. I arrived to Mandy's house, she was in the kitchen drinking tea.

"Well how were you?"
"Good and you? How was class?"
"Yeah good."

She sipped from the mug, I yawned tiredly.

"I'll go to sleep now. Good night."
"Good night."

Lou's P.O.V.

I was in my office chair and looking outside of the window. On my desk there was file and paper with only name on it '(y/n)'. That's all spy girls could get to know about her. (y/n), that name I heard it once, but when?

To be continued...

698 words

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