New strange house

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All the roads were wet because of the rain last night, My mom can't help but hit all the bumps*laugh*.As soon as we turn out if the neighborhood my dad just turned the same corner,my mom said" hide your face!"so I did but he didn't know it's us.we turn the radio up and sing to the song Bang bang for the next two minutes."woodcock village."i say I smile and giggle at the same time. "Meg be quiet!" my mom yelled at her. I opened the car door and freakishly got out. I slammed the door hard. Then, I took the keys off of the hook and pushed it through the keyhole of the door of my new house. I twist the key and open and push open the door.
"It looks so beautiful," I say in awe.we have just arrived at our new house, My mom and I are unpacking fast because we know my dad is looking for us.Hey said an familiar voice I turn around drop my bags and run to him and he said "I'm all right now can I stay here for a little"-,my dad drives by and this time he sees us I see my mom and Lucas running so I follow them inside with our bags. My mom locks everything we were sitting in the basement where there were no windows.

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