Now you're Alfa Female

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Blue woke up. She opened her eyes and she saw Alan sleeping next to her. She smiled and she kissed his forehead. She stood up and walked to the pond. In a moment she walked into the water. Blue started to wash herself. She washed her head, arms, legs and other private places. Alan woke up and walked to the pond with closed eyes. He splashed water on his face and then he opened his eyes. He saw Blue washing herself "Alan!" she shouted. Alan turned away saying "Sorry!" and then blushing. "You know you shouldn't see me washing my private places. Like I shouldn't see you doing this" she said and Alan blushed more "I'm sorry I walked to the pond with closed eyes. I didn't see that you're doing it" Alan said. Blue end washing "Now you can wash" she said and Alan went to the water. Blue got out of the water and she walked to a place where the sun was shining to dry herself. Alan started to wash himself thinking "What if she decide to ask me that?" he said it in mind. He ended washing and got out of the water. Alan walked to Blue she was thinking about something. "What are you thinking about?" ha asked "About one thing. What if you move me to Alfa Female position?"  Blue asked too. "I think it's impossible to move you to Alfa Female position. But Gamma or Beta will be easier to move you" he answered. "Beta or Gamma is good for me. You know you have your wife but does that mean that you're cheating on her?" she asked "Ups. I didn't think about that. Yeah so I'm probably cheating on her" he answered.

"So why don't you tell her that you don't love her?" she asked "That's not that easy as you thing" Alan said. "Just tell her that and... You know we don't need to tell everyone about our love. It can be our secret." she said letting him know that she matters to him and not Linda. "Yeah you're right. I'll do it. You're the one I love, not her" he said and started to walk slowly to the exit. Blue stood up and follow him. "Catch me if you can loser" she said to him provocative. She ran to exit and Alan started to follow her. "Faster than I thought. I like that one" he said to himself. They ran out of the building. Alan accidentally tripped over a tree root, falling over to Blue. When they opened their eyes they blushed. "I don't like the way you're on top of me" she said calmly. Alan get from her "Sorry it's all my fault" he told her. They stood up and started to walk next to eachother to the cave. They get out of the forest and they saw the cave. Alan's sister Ana ran to him "Alan where were you? I was soo worried" Ana said. "I was just walking in the forest. Blue found me and told me to go back. That's all" he said lying. "Ok I trust you" Ana said walking back to the cave. "I need to make you a new nest. You have a higher rank now so yeah I'll be right back" he told her and ran to the cave. Blue walked to her nest where she always is. She lay down and closed her eyes.

She started to think about ask him if he likes to be her mate. Hmm maybe that's a good question to ask? Maybe not. She thinked about it at least 15 minutes. Blue opened her eyes and she saw Alan walking to her. "C'mon I'll show you your new nest" he said. Blue followed him to the nest "Cause now you're gamma you have your nest here. Is it ok?" Alan asked "Yes it is. I like that kind of nests" Blue answered. She layed in her nest. And again Blue closed her eyes starting to think about many things. But the one and the only one thing she was thinking about is Alan. He told her that he loves her but she didn't know how this relationship would go on. She opened her eyes hearing Linda and Alan arguing with each other. In a few moments Linda walked out of the deeper cave "I hate you! You're a liar!" she shouted at him. She walked next to Blue and said "Fucking bitch". Linda jumped down on the ground. Alan walked to Blue and he looked at her. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked him

"Now you're Alfa Female" he said. Blue was in shock. Alan fired Linde because he loves Blue so much. That's a real love. It was only now that she understood how much Alan cares about her. And then she kissed Alan for long time. Alan blushed. Other raptors began to clap and shout. It was very kind of them. Blue stopped kissing Alan. Alan went on the stage and said "We all remember Linda's authority. But now we're all free of that. All because of Blue" Alan said showing on her. And again raptors started to clap and shout. Blue and Alan were now a couple. Alfa Male and Female. Two good characters. Alfa & Omega...

Author's note :
Sorry for a short chapter

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