days before party

415 22 4

(A) *phone goes off*

(B) hey we got a meeting at the school

(A) ok I'll stay after

(B) ok see you all their

*after school*

(A) so what's going on bright?

(B) I have a plan guys

(A) what is it

(Kn) yeah what's going on?

(B) the plan is letting the juniors buy the seniors gifts

(A) sounds good lets tell the juniors tomorrow

(B) ok cool


(A) *pulls out phone texting kong* hey

(K) hey what's up

(A) I wanna ask you something

(K) ok what's up?

(A) Kongpob would you like to go out for a date

(K) yeah I'd be happy to

(A) great let's go this Saturday

(K) ok sounds great


(A) *runs over to kong*

(K) hey arthit

(A) *huffing* what the heck

(K) why'd you run then

(A) I though I was late

(K) no you weren't I jest got here

(A) ok well let's go in *walks in*

*few minutes  later*

(K) hey arthit where are you going?

(A) tum told me Phone is 2 months pregnant

(K) that's awesome

(A) I need your help I have no idea what to get for her and Tum

(K) well you dont know the gender yet since it's only two months

(A) yeah your right

(K) so maybe a small stuffed animal or a congratulations gift for tum and phone

(A) yeah

(K) hey arthit would you ever want a kid

(A) I don't know what about you

(K) I'd want us to have a son together if we were to get married

(A) it would be nice to

(Pr) kongpob?

(K) oh hey Preapailin

(Pr) what are you guys up to?

(K) oh jest some shopping

(Pr) oh cool

(A) *starts to get jealous* " I wonder if my relationship with Kongpob will not help Kongpob in getting the son that he longs for
besides that Preapailin is pretty"


(K) hey arthit

(A) *walks by not talking*

(K) Arthit is everything ok?

(A) *doesn't respond*

*pen falls*

(K) *picks up pen* hey arthit *taps shoulder*

(A) *yells angry* what kongpob?

(K) you dropped your pen

(A) *takes pen and walks away*

(M) what happened to him?

(K) I dont know, hey knot?

(Kn) yeah kongpob

(K) is arthit ok?

(Kn) I dont know I'll try and talk to him

(K) ok


(Kn) hey arthit what's the reason your upset?

(A) you promise to keep It secret

(Kn) yeah I will

(A) I'm having relationship issues with Kongpob

(Kn) *listens* well I think you should try and figure out what you really want and figure It out since we still have the thank you senior party

(A) your right

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