Chapter 1

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They stood on the top of the hill looking down at the school. These two sisters were start a chain reaction like no other. They didn't know it yet but they would change the lives of ten other girls and the rest of the world views. This is the Story Of A Sisterhood like no other.
Rosie and Ruby O'Donnell walked up to their new school. They moved here from New Portland. They were twins that did everything together. They were ready to change the world. They were ready to make friends. They walked into Lida Farris High School. They were starting their Senior Year. They had done their first three year at New Portland High. The girl's father got transferred to start a New Office her in Canada. The girls were hesitant at first but thought this would be a new beginning since their mother died. The two had their father put them in the same classes. They had Math, Performing Arts, FFA Chemistry, and Free Period on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. They had Leaderhsip, Math, Teacher's Aid, and JROTC on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Rosie had Cheer Practice everyday along with taken care of her animal for FFA class. Ruby had Water Polo practice everyday along with taking care of her Animal for FFA class. Rosie had gotten a Lamb while Ruby got a Goat and Rabbit. The two sisters arrived to their Math Class to see their teacher Mrs.Myra.  They went over to hear and introduce themselves as new students. Mrs.Myra had them give three things about themselves to the class. Rosie went first. "Hi, My name is Rosanna Leah O'Donnell, but everyone calls me Rosie. I am a cheerleader and gymnast. I live horse riding and school. I hope we can be friends." Ruby went next. "Hey, My name is Ruby Rita O'Donnell.  I am Rosie twin. I am a Water Polo Player. I enjoy becoming friends with anyone. I dont judge a book by it cover. I also don't tolerate bullies." Rosie and Ruby waved and took the table in the back. The two got their notebooks out and started notes. It was half later that the bell ring for second class. Rosie stood up and notice Ruby had Headphones in. She shook her head and tap her sister. Ruby looked up at her and notice the empty classroom. She stood up and walked with her sister to the next class.
Rosie and Ruby arrived to their next class, Performing Arts (Theatre Class). Rosie and Ruby walked up to the teacher, Mrs. Mikaelson. The girls waited while Mrs. Mikaelson talked to a girl about the play. Mrs. Mikaelson turned and smiled at the girls.
"Rosie and Ruby O'Donnell, Right?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Please, just Mrs. Mikaelson. So you will introduce yourself and your favorite play or musical, okay?"

The two girls nodded and turned to the class. They waited for the bell to ring. Finally, the class began with the bell ringing.

"Hello, My name is Rosie O'Donnell. My favorite play is William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet."

"Hello, My name is Ruby O'Donnell. My favorite musical is Dear Evanston or Hamilton."

Ruby grabbed Rosie hand and sat down with her in the third table seat. Mrs. Mikaelson started talking about the play they were doing. A few minutes into the speech the door open and a girl walked in late. Mrs. Mikaelson sighed and looked at the girl who had a black eye. She shook her head and point to the sit next to the girls. The girl walked over and waved and sat in the last seat with her head down. Rosie smiled at the girl and tapped her. The girl looked up.

"Hi, My name is Rosie and this is my twin Ruby. What your name?"

"Serra Mikaelson. A nobody so dont talk to me if you want to keep your chances if making friends here."

"We dont care about cliques or making friends with jerks. We believe in kindness and fairness with others from different cliques."

Serra looked at the two girls and smiled. She took out her schedule and compared it to the girls. She had FFA Chemistry and Free Period on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with the girls. She had Leadership, Teacher's Aid, and JROTC with them on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She also was a water polo player. She also had a Lamb for FFA Class. She offered to help the girls make up work from the classes. The girls gave their phone numbers to her. The girls told her she could come over this weekend to help them. They would pick her up from her house. The bell rung just as they finished talking.
The three girls headed to lunch. They got their meals and headed to a table. They were eating lunch when a freshman came over and asked to sit with them.

"Hi, My name Lyra Montana. I'm a freshman. What are your names?"

"Hi, Lyra. My name is Ruby O'Donnell and this is my twin Rosie. This Serra Mikaelson. Do you like it here?"

"Not really. They have a lot of bullies. They also have a lot of cliques."

"Well now you have a clique or as we call it friends to stick up for you. The best thing is that Rosie and I are juniors."

"I'm a sophomore. So I won't be much help. I like to stick to myself normally. What are you classes?"

"I have FFA Chemistry next then Free Period. I have Math, English, Teachers Aid, and JROTC on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"Really? We have that next too along with Free Period. Rosie and I have Math for first on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All of us have Teachers Aid during third period. We have JROTC for last period too."

"Cool so we have almost the same classes. We can look out for each other."

The girls talked and talked until the bell ending lunch rang. The group went to their next class, FFA Chemistry.


The group arrived to class to see a trio picking on two girls. They looked at each other and walked over to the situation. Rosie and Ruby stood in front if the two girls. They crossed their arms and glared at the trio of mean girls.

"Excuse you, your interrupting my time with these. They are getting punished for not having my home done." The blond yelled.

"Not anymore. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rosie O'Donnell and this is my Twinsister Ruby. We are nee transfer students here. The one thing you should know about us is that we hate bullies. So you better go sit down with your two followers and shut your mouth.  You also will leave these two beautiful ladies alone. We see you mess with them and your going to wish you hadn't. Goodbye."

Rosie grab the girl on the left. Ruby grabbed the girl on the right. They dragged them over to their table. The group of four have become a group of six.

"Introduce yourself. Then we will introduce ourselves."

"Violet Potter. I'm a sophomore."

"Felicity Jones. I'm a senior. I wanted yo welcome you to Lida Farris High School. Anyone who can talk back to the Foxes is a friend of mine and Violet."

"Well, I'm Rosie and this my sister Ruby. Next to her is Serra Mikaelson. Then you have Lyra Montana."

The group compared schedules once more to see that Violet and Felicity shared FFA Chemistry with all of them group. Felicity was also in Rosie and Ruby Math class for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Violet share English with Lyra. They all also share Free Period for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The grouped talked until the teacher arrived. The teacher introduce the twins and began the lesson.


The group had Free Period now. Rosie and Ruby asked if the girls wanted to go off campus to hang out. The girls sign out in the front office. They had to have Lyra call her parents for permission as she a freshman. They were given permission to take her. They decide that Rosie would take Ruby, and Lyra in their car. Felicity would take Violet and Serenity in hers. The girls went to their lockers and got their bags. Felicity, Violet,  and Serenity walked to Felicity's car. Lyra, Rosie, and Ruby walked to the Twins Car. They decide to go to Starbucks then the movies. Rosie and Ruby told them they were paying for everyone. They drove to Starbucks and order their drinks. They drove to Walmart to get some blankets and candy and drinks since they decided to go to the Drive-Ins. The group arrived at the Drive-Ins paying to watch the new 'Avengers:Endgame'. They parked midsection. They turned where their trunks were facing the screen. The laid blankets in both of their trunks. Ruby, Felicity, and Violet sat in Felicity's Trunk. Rosie, Lyra, and Serra laid in twins trunk.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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