Bones x Reader

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You were listening to music in you room when suddenly the ship jerked.  You weren't prepared and fell hurting your ankle. On you way to medbay you accidentally ran into Bones.

"(Y/N) I was just going to find you and see if you were ok".  "Actually I was just going to see you in Medbay, I seem to have hurt my ankle when the ship lurched".  "Wright well lets get you to medbay then".

After he said that he gently picked you up bridal style and carried you to medbay.  As he walked through the doors multiple nurses came up to assist but he turned them away gently setting you on a bed near the back. 

"Alright lets look at this ankle shall we" he said with his slight southern accent.  This made you blush because you have always had a slight crush on him but never told him.  As you were day dreaming about his voice the captains walked in and saw you with on the bed with Bones looking at you ankle.  After seeing this he had a look of concern on his face and immediately walked over asking if you were ok. 

"Ya I'm ok I just hurt my ankle when the ship jerked " you replied easing his concern. " I'll be right back (Y/N) I just have to go and get some supplies to wrap you ankle" Bones said gently then walked away to his office.

"So have you told him that you like him yet" Kirk asked with his signature smirk falling across his face. "No not yet" you said with a slight blush just as Bones returned with his supplies. Just then Kirk was called to the bridge by Chekhov once again leaving you alone with Bones.

As he was wrapping your ankle he turned it slightly making you gasp in pain causing him to look at you with slight concern on his face. "I'm sorry (Y/N) I didn't think that that would have hurt" he said white sincerity in his voice. "Its ok you just caught me off guard and it hurt a little, I'll be ok" you said easing his worries.

After a little longer sitting in silence he spoke up and said " I know that we are good friends and everything and I don't want this to ruin our friendship but I have something that I need to tell you" he said bringing you out of your thoughts. "What would that be" you said slightly worried about what he was going to say. "Well ... I have liked you for awhile now and I was wondering if you would like to accompany me on our next shore leave and go on a date" he said nervously making you smile widely at him. "Of course I would love to go on a date with you, to be honest I have liked you for awhile I just didn't know how to tell you" you replied looking down.  With that said he lifted you face gently so that you were looking at him and gently leaned forward kissing you with his soft lips making you smile.

Little did you know that the captain was hiding behind a bed close by listening in on you conversation smiling because he just one $10 off of Scotty in a bet they had for how long it would take him to ask you out.

AN: this is my first ever attempt to write anything on wattpad and I would welcome your opinions and critiques but hate will not be tolerated. I am also taking requests and ideas. Please comment.

Riley :)

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