When you are on your period

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Notes: sorry for the lack of updates! I have been having horrible cramps that have been preventing me from standing up and I felt horrible and throwing up. So, sorry for the lack of updates! Also, this isn't a oneshot, it's a Headcannon!

Q: favorite food?

A: Ramen

Enjoy (for a female reader)

•You both get it around the same time
•you have to stay away from each other cause she gets way to angry and you get to emotional.
• her's only last 3-5 days
•yours last 9-11 days
•after she's done: constant cuddling
•I.M.P being scared of both of you
•lots of chocolate
•and I mean alot
you both don't get bad cramps
•you playing with her hair or petting her ears (this is actually something weird I do to my crush 🤣)
•you asking multiple times if it's christmas
•she having to remind you it's summer (for me it's not, but just pretend, guys. PRETEND!)

Sorry that was short, but this literarily how me and my crush act (except for the days) on our periods. Okay, bye

(188 words)

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