Chapter One - the first of many tradegies

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you were stuck. you hated it, not only were you stuck in a prison world in 1994 but you were stuck with the most ignorant person in the world. malachai parker. you hated him and he hated you, or so you thought.

it was a normal boring day, you were sat in the boarding house drinking the forever-lasting bourbon. every once in a while you'd see kai but that was rare, you liked that. you liked being on your own without a bi-polar sociopath annoying you 24/7.

today was not your day, today he decided to annoy you, he walked down the stairs and poked his head in the room. "hey look what i found!" he said with his usual sarcastic smile whilst holding up his old pager, "look, it's my pager! i thought i lost this baby when i killed you for the first time.." he said looking at it with a huge grin, you rolled your eyes paying no attention to it. he noticed and raised an eyebrow, "no hard feeling though, am i right?" he said sitting next to you slinging his arm around your shoulder.

you looked at his arm and then his face, which held the same awful smirk as always, "you are not right, you are a dick and i won't forgive you for that." you said shrugging his arm off you and getting up. you walked over to the bourbon and poured yourself a glass. just as you were about to drink it kai took it from your hands and winked drinking it all. "hey! i was drinking that." you frowned, "well... about to." he commented smirking. you walked over to him and slapped him on the arm slightly as you walked passed him and up to your room, although it was damon's you claimed it as yours. you definitely didn't fight kai for it to not be.

you walked in and picked an outfit, it was your usual style, black lacy top, skinny black jeans, your perfect combat boots and lastly your signiture feature, your leather jacket. you made your hair perfectly straight and applied your usual make up.

proud of your smokey eye, you smiled at yourself in the mirror and walked back down stairs to find kai playing with a knife. you rolled your eyes at him and sat on the couch. you laid back slightly and watched him. being bored of doing nothing, you silently mumbled, "motus." as his knife was flung across the room you smirked proud at yourself. you looked over and found a smirking kai, "what are you gorking at?" you rolled your eyes. he shook his head and laughed slightly, "if you wanted my attention that badly you should of just said." he said walking over to you. "and what makes you think that? i was simply bored." you said plainly.

he rolled his eyes playfully and sat next to you staring at you, almost analysing you. "what?!" you snapped being irritated by his continuous staring. he snapped out of his thoughts and shrugged, "nothing, just simply watching. it's one of my favourite things to do." you raised an eyebrow up at him, "what? watching pretty girls? get a hobby." you smirked playfully at him. "well i wouldn't exactly say pretty..." he said returning the playful tone. you faked being hurt by pouting and placing a hand on your heart. "i'm truly hurt." you said sadly. he smirked, "you're not pretty since you are beautiful... well for someone whose over 500 years old. you don't look a day over 40." you were shocked slightly. "did malachai parker just pay me a compliment?! if only we had twitter, i would definitely post this moment right now." you smirked.

"one, it's kai, not malachai. and two, what's twotter?" he asked confused. you laughed slightly, "it's twitter, and you would definitely love it." he looked at you for a moment before nodding. "okay then." he said plainly as he leaned back and placed his arm back on your shoulder. you didn't bother removing it because you kinda enjoyed it. "oh my oh my, is miss milena petrova blushing?" kai said smirking at you. you rolled your eyes and smiled slightly, "nope." you said looking at him. he rolled his eyes and nudged you.
"yes you are look!" he poked your cheek repeatedly. "okay fine!" you finally said looking away. "i know you like me." he said seriously. you're cheeks went bright red, you liked him but knew you had no chance. "even if i did it wouldn't matter, you're a sociopath." you carried on looking away from him. he thought for a moment, "i didn't want to be." he said looking down and smiling sadly, "i didn't ask to be the monster i am. i didn't ask to get rejected by my family for being an abomination." you saw the emotion in his eyes but it soon went as he grinned, "but i like me, i like this person i am. i don't feel things, you're right." he had an evil look about him. you rolled your eyes and went upstairs.

You woke up, you didn't realise you fell asleep. you must of been so tired that you crashed out as soon as your head hit the pillow. you stretched and went down stairs to find kai making dinner, you watched him almost in a trance. "why are you staring?" he said turning towards you. you said nothing and walked over to the table where the newspaper was. you read the same article on how kai killed his siblings, you laughed slightly and looked up at him before looking down at it again. you had no words as you read it, you liked how psychotic he was. that was your favourite thing about him, "about earlier, i've been thinking." he said before pausing and looking down, "teach me. teach me how to feel, teach me love. i like you milena i do, i want something with you." he said as he looked at you smiling slightly. what he said had caught you off guard, you were speechless. you nodded and gave him a short smile, "Okay." you said simply. he smiled brightly and carried on cooking food.

After about an hour later, he came into the room smiling proudly at himself, "Dinner is done." he said nodding at the dinner table, you looked over at it and giggled before standing up from the chair you were sat in so comfortably. you walked over to the dinner table where kai was already sat down, "bon apple tea... or something like that." he smirked at you winking. it was your favourite food and he knew it. you thought it was sweet he put in this much effort to please you. for a normal person, cooking you dinner isn't much effort.. but since it was kai you knew it was special. you tucked in and began eating, kai was watching you the whole time. you coughed slightly, "is there an issue? do i have food on my face?" you asked a little insecure. he chuckled and shook his head, "no, i poisoned the food. should kick in any minute now." he smirked evilly. you spat out the food and tried to sit up but kai already had his hand on you and began siphoning. you looked at him in the eyes, hurt by the way he played you. "w-why?" was all you could make out before passing out beside him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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